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About bethanyr

  • Birthday 10/05/1986

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  • Location
    Knoxville, tn
  • Program
    Master of Fine Arts

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. The Fort is dangerous for those who are not careful. Just don't walk alone too late, and if you do, just be aware. Most people who get robbed have been drinking or have drugs in their apartment. I lived in the fort for 4 years, walked alone at night, and nothing ever happened to me. The Fort refers to all areas on the other side of Cumberland from campus, from Cumberland to White avenue all the way to Forrest and Grand Street.
  2. Yes! There is a place on campus called UTOP. http://recsports.utk.edu/Programs/Outdoor%20Rec/Bike%20Shop/ Aside from there, the nearest bike shops are in North Knoxville, a mile or so away from downtown, in particular Tennessee Valley Bikes.
  3. bethanyr


    I just visited last week! What I am most drawn to is the interdisciplinary aspect of the program. People come in as one concentration but end up completely changing directions and its encouraged. I was informed that you can even take classes outside of art to fulfill your hours. The studios and building are very nice. The studios were inidividual rooms, not like one big room divided or anything. What concentration are you primarily? The faculty were all super amazing and welcoming, the grad students were really friendly and hard at work in their studios. Proximity to New York is a HUGE factor.The train to NYC is right near the school. New Brunswick is really cute around the College Avenue Campus. Message me for any questions! I will answer what I can.
  4. bethanyr


    Decision has been made: I will be attending Rutgers! My visit today was awesome!
  5. bethanyr


    I am off to new Brunswick in less than 12 hours! Will post update Monday! Thanks lurking, for the incredibly kind comment. Portfolio picture two of yours soon??? God, I still haven't heard anything about funding. I am so scared that I did not get a TA position, despite being a licensed teacher. It makes me sick to think of this not working out, and tomorrow will only make me want there even more.
  6. bethanyr


    I am visiting on THURSDAY!! I am so very excited. I will make sure to report back on my thoughts next week. I am staying with friends in NYC for a few days. I am currently teaching high school art and finishing a Masters in Education. I finished undergraduate last year. I am a printmaker but work with installations as well. My goal for myself personally is to be able to better execute my installations because of a lack of a studio space/place to install in undergraduate. I want to attend Rutgers more than I have ever wanted anything. Hopefully the funding works out to allow me to do so. My Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brober25/ Once more people start responding and making final decisions, I know it is lame, but I would love to facebook friend anyone attending.
  7. Dammit! Why couldn't Snookie have spoken NEXT year?! I told my high school students if I got into Rutgers I would come back to visit looking like the Jersey Shore girls. My students vote I go to Rutgers, needless to say.
  8. vermillion, so you decided against Rutgers? Did you ever receive funding information?
  9. That is the EXACT school I am wondering about. I think I am just going to say yes and hope it works out, seeing as how all I have are crossed out schools for the most part, options are fairly limited. Do you know how many first years typically get an assistantship?
  10. I am a bit confused and extremely stressed about financial aid. Are schools obligated to tell you what they are offering before the accept date?
  11. I think Northwestern may have left me off of being on ANY list. Still no change in status, no letter, and did not receive the rejection email last week. Should I email to see if I was left off?
  12. Hi caraa! I have seen you all over these forums and really love your paintings!

    I was wantin to inquire about the Northwestern email that you seem to have gotten along with everyone else. Who was it listed from? Did they change your application status as well?

    I have searched my inbox and received nothing.

    Thanks! Good luck with the rest of your sch...

  13. This was so eloquent and insightful! I have pretty much gotten all rejections as this is my first time applying. It really upset me for awhile, but then other good things started happening outside of grad school applications that made me realize it was not a complete waste. My one acceptance almost two weeks ago STILL has me giddy and excited, and whether or not I am financially able to afford it this time, just ONE acceptance was such a confidence booster. Best of luck to you this time around. This is very inspiring that you have continued to work hard and know exactly what you want to do. On these forums at times it can feel as though you are the only on not getting acceptances or interviews, and it is good to take a step back objectively and look at the tiny amount of people who actually get in from the sea of applicants.
  14. I am 24, finished undergrad in May. Took me five to finish undergrad and this year working on my teaching license and Masters in Teacher Education for Art Education. So i will have been in school for 8 years straight by the time i finish a 2 year MFA.
  15. I haven't received a rejection form them, but I haven't heard ANYTHING. I did not get an interview. I keep checking my status online and still no update
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