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Posts posted by janesays

  1. @teethwax - Please don't be discouraged, it really sounds like you're a very talented writer and you have a lot to offer any program. I have applied three years in a row with varying degrees of success and finally, this Fall, I will be attending somewhere. Undecided as yet.


    I was also accepted to Northwestern and I am having the same financial concerns as you. I contacted an alumna of the program, and she said it was great but it was a lot of money and I also got the sense she regretted having these huge loans looming over her. She described the program as "cushy," which I guess can be both a bad and good thing. The professors at Northwestern seem pretty fantastic, and I'm a huge Rebecca Gilman fan, so that is extra awesome.


    My situation is a bit different because I enjoy screenwriting as much as I love playwriting, so I'm also thinking about accepting an MFA in Screenwriting offer at UCLA.  


    But to everyone out there who gets discouraged sometimes, it literally took me three years to finally start getting offers, so keep going. I think it's good practice for the real world of writing. 

  2. @longwalktonever - Congratulations! That's fantastic. I've also heard great things about the program. Did you have to interview? 

    I applied last year, almost interviewed but then they asked me not to, and then I was waitlisted. 

  3. Hi Everyone!


    I wanted to chime in for those asking about the Last Frontier Theater Conference. I went two years ago, and it was an amazing time. I met some fantastic people and got great feedback on my play. I know it's expensive to fly out there but what a perfect excuse to go to Alaska. When I went, the offered a stipend of $300 which was nice. 


    Good luck to all of you out there.


    I got into Northwestern. I'm still debating the financials and waiting to hear back from other schools. 


    I worry about being able to pay off the large debt I will amass. Because I'm almost 31, and was recently laid off, jobs have been on my mind a lot. I wonder what kinds of jobs playwrights get post MFA. Anyone know of any awesome stories?

  4. @failsafe Since I'm interested in both screenwriting and playwriting, I applied to both types of programs. The two interviews I got so far are at Northwestern and UCLA. I'm really, really, hoping I get in this year! 


    I had my Northwestern interview yesterday, and I think it went well - but it was via Skype, which always makes things awkward. It was also quite short. 

  5. Thanks for all self-care posts...super helpful for all of us struggling with the anxiety of the notifications in the next month or two. Like me! My self-care techniques involve lots of Netflix and reading Cheryl Strayed. 


    This is my third year applying and I can say, every year I feel like I've gotten closer. I've made connections with professors and schools and above all, my writing has improved. Last year I made it to the wait list at two programs and got into one, but decided to wait another year. This year, I have two interviews set up.  For all of you applying for the first year, if it doesn't work out, keep applying! 

  6. Hi Everyone,


    I got a letter from the O'Neill yesterday. Despite being a rejection letter, there was a nice little "P.S." saying the readers really liked the script. I can never tell if that's written personally or just standard but meant to seem personal. 


    I heard they got a ridiculous amount of submissions this year so I don't feel too badly.


    Has anyone heard from schools?

  7. Hi Jam2011 - I just contacted Ohio, and they haven't made decisions yet. Since their deadline was March 1st (and due to confusion, March 15th on the official Ohio website), I can't imagine they let people know before the official deadline to submit.

    Are you perhaps thinking of a different division of the school or Ohio State?

  8. Hi Jam2011 - That's great about Ohio! I haven't heard anything, so I guess I was rejected.

    Was also rejected from UCSD.

    Ack. Why is this process so hard? I feel like I could be applying for a decade!

  9. Hi Jam2011-

    I applied to Ohio University's program. It's a really amazing MFA program - from what I can tell. They have some great alumni, and they are very warm and engaging. From what I've heard, they are also closely linked to theaters in Chicago.

    Heckleher - I've also been out of school for eight years, and this is my second time applying to schools. At the end of the day, we're playwrights with or without an MFA. The work doesn't stop. I'm glad to hear we blew their minds. And next fall will be here before we know it, and applications begin again.

  10. Yeah, this whole process is majorly anxiety producing.

    I was waitlisted at USC without an interview. Hmm?

    Apparently, USC covers 75% tuition the first year and 100%

    the second two years, pending you work as a Graduate Student


    But, I'm worried about the possibly super high living expenses in


    Do you guys know if people manage to hold down full time jobs

    and pursue MFA's?

  11. Jam2011 - I heard from Bloomington last Friday via email.

    I think this whole MFA Playwriting system is just really frustrating.

    I also lost that "spark" both times I've applied. But eventually,

    by summer, it returns. We have to remember that each program

    takes so few applicants and most playwrights applying are

    serious about the craft and there's a lot of talent in that pool.

    I've also been thinking about the low res programs. I've heard

    Goddard is pretty good.

  12. Hi MirandaTragedy,

    Congrats on Indiana! I got a phone interview there as well. I'm also nervous about the phone interview, I'm not sure what they'll ask. I imagine it's a lot of just getting to know you as a person and as a writer and what you gravitate to in terms of subject matter.

    I got an interview at USC Dramatic Writing. Does anyone have more information about this program or know anyone who's in it currently?

  13. I applied to Indiana and haven't heard from them either. I'm still waiting on UCSD,

    Hunter and USC.

    This is my second year applying, and I'm wondering if any of you have applied multiple

    years in a row. It's very disheartening to apply and hear nothing. Is it worth applying

    year after year?

    I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, or if my writing samples just aren't up to par

    yet. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  14. Hi themirandatragedy -

    We're in the same boat. I am committed to this process, even if it takes years.

    Last year I applied to around 7 schools and got some positive feedback but no


    I also do not want to pay for an MFA Playwriting program. But I do wonder,

    should I apply to NYU, New School, etc. and see what happens? I still

    am not sure.

    You asked about some other, lesser-known schools - I met a playwright

    from Arizona State this past summer and it said the program was

    really, really superb - so I am thinking of applying there this go


    Good luck!


  15. I'm already gearing up to apply for my playwriting MFA again. And, I'm curious - my main writing sample has evolved quite a bit - can I still submit this revised play? Or, does it make more sense to submit a new sample? My hunch is definitely new sample, but I'm really excited about the rewrites.

    Thank you!

  16. Me, three! I also heard from Brooklyn college and didn't make it in.

    Feeling pretty bummed about it, still waiting on Iowa, Hunter and Ohio.

    Fingers crossed.

    This process feels very disheartening, but trying to stay positive. I guess

    it may take several years.

    Continued good luck to everyone!

  17. Congratulations to everyone who got acceptances! That's fantastic and exciting.

    I still haven't heard from several schools - am I just deluding myself that I could still get good news?

    I'm waiting on Brooklyn, Hunter, Iowa and Ohio. Anyone else out there waiting?

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