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Oh the waiting game

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Everything posted by Oh the waiting game

  1. Now that I've heard from all my programs, I kinda miss the anxiety of waiting. The ting of the email is no longer exciting....

    1. VAPHD


      I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! While I still have to wait to hear from my final 3 programs, I woke up this weekend thinking...what to do now. I have already been rejected by one (my top choice) but my anxiety has mellowed tremendously. What to do....????

    2. Oh the waiting game

      Oh the waiting game

      I've accepted my offer and now I'm just waiting for paperwork!

  2. I check my postal mail so much that for a second I thought someone was stealing my mail and called the postal service but they told me in a very nice way that I was a little bit crazy! But every time I put my key in my mailbox and slowly open it only to find that there is nothing inside, a little piece of my sanity floats away!
  3. Anybody know anything about baity hill on campus apartments for grad students?
  4. Im pretty certain Ill go there. Now just trying to decide rather or not to live in Durham!
  5. I may just fail my classes this semester because obsessing about graduate school is time consuming!!!!

  6. My ridiculous obsession is checking my email, refreshing every 2 minutes because something may have just come, getting irritated that no one is emailing me, telling myself to stop obsessing and to find something else to do, going to my favorites folder and clicking on my email again! Either I think some new mail has come in or my mind automatically clicks the email button without thinking, either way i suppose I'm a little psycho!
  7. What is a reasonable amount one should spend on a masters degree in education? I really want this degree but have no idea how much out of pocket expense I should pay? 10,000? 20,000? 50,000? more? Any insight will be helpful!
  8. What is a reasonable amount one should spend on a masters degree in education? I really want this degree but have no idea how much out of pocket expense I should pay? 10,000? 20,000? 50,000? more? Any insight will be helpful!
  9. I was accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill and Purdue both Masters. I guess I'll just try to contact the department. I was "unofficially" accepted in January but haven't received funding info yet.
  10. I just want to know that I am not the only one who checks email over 100 times a day(literally) waiting for a decision. I'm also on this site (mostly the results section), checking websites, calling departments and have become all too familiar with my department websites especially the FAQ sections. Anyone else out there ridiculously connected waiting to get results? What is the method to your madness?
  11. I was interested because of the topic but this post is false advertising. Booooooo
  12. Small dilemma. I have had two unofficial acceptances for two schools I applied to, one was during an interview and the other was through an email. I want to know if its okay to ask about funding for these acceptances. If anyone has dealt with these before, has the unofficial acceptance email usually included information about funding or is that only in the official letter. In one case an "after acceptance phone call" has been scheduled and I don't know if I'm supposed to ask explicitly about funding since my admittance is still unofficial. I don't want them to think I'm all about the money but at this point I want to know because most masters programs are not funded.
  13. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I had a couple January 15th deadlines but one school contacted me about a week after I submitted my app(December 17th) and scheduled an interview. So maybe they will get on it before the deadline.....hopefully. I just want it all to be over, I'm tired of constantly checking my email! Good Luck!
  14. I think the waiting will get much much worse as soon as February hits. I'm applying for a Masters in School Counseling and I wish they would just tell me already. No knowing what Ill be doing next year is driving me crazy! I do have one interview scheduled for January but otherwise, I've heard nothing and I probably wont until March......
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