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  1. I am pretty ambivalent about getting in as well... I just want to KNOW what the answer is so I can get started on Plan B, kwim?
  2. I think there is an "unofficial" waitlist. I went through the "grad school" emails that I saved and found one from last fall from this school. The graduate coordinator said that if you are waitlisted you may not hear from them until the end of April. HOWEVER, someone posted on the results page here that they got a letter TELLING them they were waitlisted (from this program). So I don't know what the hell is going on. :?
  3. I am in the same boat. There is one school that I have heard NOTHING from so far. I even emailed them on Friday asking the status of my application and no one responded. I am assuming I am getting rejected but God why not just tell me?
  4. Well, I only applied to two schools. I heard from one but haven't received anything yet from Baylor. I broke down and emailed the dept secretary just a few minutes ago. This is getting out of control!
  5. I didn't apply for an MSW (as you know, lol); I just wanted to tell you that I hope you get it in!
  6. For the pagan: I can't speak to SLU but at the two schools I went to, "God" and religion NEVER came up in the classes. Trinity, the undergrad, had 2 mandatory religious courses of course but like the other poster said, grad school won't. It was like the fact that these schools were catholic was totally incidental; I felt like it had more to do with their history and formation than anything else.
  7. I haven't gotten the LSAT scores yet. I faxed the request to LSDAS Friday morning (including that they send it overnight to me at my expense). I AM HOPING I get the scores by Wednesday, at which point I will fax them to Baylor immediately. I am not expecting to hear from them until April after that.
  8. Pride be damned! I'd say that if I thought it would work! LOL.
  9. Okay, I am pretty sure I have been waitlisted. Throughout this process I was corresponding with the grad dept coordinator (a prof) and he said (a few months back) that they send out the first round of decisions by the end of Feb but if you are waitlisted you may not hear from them until April (no later than April 15). I only applied to 2 PhD programs b/c of where my husband is stationed (and we have two small boys so me going away right now is not an option). I submitted my apps expecting to be rejected b/c my GRE was, you all are going to die, 1020. (God that was embarrassing to write.) I think my saving grace was my JD from Georgetown, my legal experience, and my teaching experience at a community college. On the downside, I have a five yr gap b/c of my children, PLUS the shockingly low GRE score (in my defense, I took the test cold, no studying at all). REcently I was told it was not too late, and it wouldn't hurt, to submit to the committee my LSAT scores which were in the 93rd percentile (i didn't study for that damn test either but it tests your analytical, logic, and argument skills, no math or vocab). For my writing sample, I submitted an impressive peice of legal writing from my time practicing at a large firm in DC. Now I am thinking I should have submitted my required final article from GULC b/c it is more academic and theoretical. I didn't submit it, however, b/c the topic was access to abortion and poverty among women and I felt that might have been too controversial. My question is this: should I contact that professor and ask if they would be interested in seeing this article? But then I feel like I am making a nuisance or seeming desperate--although I am desperate b/c i really don't want to have to go through retaking the gre and applying to these schools again. AND I am SO READY to move on to the next phase in my life, kwim? Is there anything else I could or should be doing? Or should I just submit those LSAT scores and wait?
  10. I was an agnostic and went to two Catholic schools. Trinity College (Catholic women's college created as Georgetown's female alternative when Gtown was male only) for undergrad and Georgetown for my JD. There was nothing particularly catholic or religious about either school. The only religious element of GULC was having a priest and a rabbi on campus in case someone needed or wanted religious counseling. Even Trinity, I had two "nuns" as professors, but they wore street clothes and were PhDs and very liberal. The majority of students at both schools were non-religious and liberal. Hope that helps!
  11. That's awesome! Congratulations!
  12. You two are awesome! I am going to type of my letter and find a fax machine tomorrow (always fun with the boys in tow, lol). Then I should be able to fax the scores to the school Tuesday or Wednesday. I know that I will just be angry with myself if I don't finish this, even though it feels like the application that goes on and on and on... I am definitely prepared to go if I get accepted, I just doubt I will given the GRE scores. On the upside, however, they could have rejected me already, so I have that going for me.
  13. You are right, I know I should. I have just hit a slump where part of me just wants to get rejected and be done with this year already! But I think this feeling is really just part of being ready for my husband to COME HOME ALREADY, kwim?
  14. Well, I am assuming this is a good sign: I submitted my political science PhD app to Baylor but my GRE was ABYSMAL. Shockingly, embarrassinly low. It was so low because I graduated from HS 16 yrs ago and college 8 yrs ago, my husband is deployed, I am alone with our two toddler sons, and I moved our entire household to Texas in October (right before the GRE). In short, I could not study AT ALL. I am currently a SAHM but formerly an attorney with my JD from Georgetown and an LSAT in the 93rd percentile. I didn't retake the GRE b/c I knew I wouldn't do any better until my husband returns from overseas. So, I submitted my PhD applications despite the tragic GRE scores b/c once I start something I just need to finish it; i.e. with no real expectation of getting accepted this year. (I only applied to the two schools near our military post.) Well, I was invited down for the department's "Visitor Day" at the end of February, at which point I offered to submit my LSAT scores as evidence that I have performed better on standardized tests in the past. The professor I had been corresponding with felt like this would probably help the admissions committee since they didn't know what to do with my low GRE. That was TWO WEEKS ago. I was then violently ill for the next week and a half. I finally get well and contact the department to see if it is too late to submit score report and the department's secretary says it is not. Now I can't find the damn thing. SO I have to pay 50 bucks to get it sent to me asap so I can fax it to Baylor. Is it really worth it? Would you get the LSAT score and submit it at this late date? I could have sworn they were supposed to have made admissions decisions by now so I am guessing that I must be in admissions limbo there, not accepted or rejected yet... maybe? BLEH. I can't STAND THIS.
  15. Well, I hope you get accepted!
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