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Everything posted by hegemony

  1. I just stumbled on this and was wondering if you heard anything from your professor. I once had to write a paper on one of my other professor's work and made some pretty critical comments, under the assumption that my diatribe would remain between my professor and myself (in my defense, the paper that I attacked was an analysis of a theoretical paradigm that my work was built on). I was wrong. The following class, both of my professors came into the seminar and the professor whom I'd criticized opened the class with my criticisms (mentioning my name) and asked the class what they thought about these comments and some more honest graduate students agreed with some of my criticisms. It ended up being a great class and I maintained a good relationship with the professor that I criticized. I guess my point is that, as someone suggested, most of your professors have pretty thick skins so if you have not heard from him, ask him/her about the paper.
  2. UGHHH! So many people seem to have heard from Yale and I haven't heard a word. I am going crazy! Anyone know what the deal is? OMG, this is lame.
  3. OMG! Yale History Phd! Anyone else still waiting? It looks like a lot of rejections, acceptances and even a waitlist have made the post but I have not heard a word.
  4. Well, in some ways you are not ready! The bottom line is that your first two months, people will constantly reference authors you have never read, ideas you are only vaguely familiar with, and theories you have only briefly studied as an undergrad. I understand your anxiety, but you are not as great as you think you are right now, but you will grow as a thinker in graduate school and it's obvious that you have what it takes to take on this development. If you go in thinking that graduate school is going to be an extension of your undergraduate career then, forget about it. You'll do well. In the end, graduate committees (at least in the humanities) look for students that are willing to learn and grapple with new ideas and they obviously saw that in your application.
  5. hegemony

    Buffalo, NY

    So, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my application to SUNY Buffalo was already reviewed and I have been accepted to this program. Unfortunately, I've never been to New York, let alone Buffalo, so I have no idea what it is like, and would like some information about the area so I can make an informed decision in the months following. I hear the music scene is great and the cost of living is relatively reasonable, but I would like to hear this from someone with a little more experience. Thanks for any help.
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