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Posts posted by TehMatrix

  1. This thread's been dead for a few weeks, but I figured I'd revive it. Curious how you all are doing finding housing and the like. I found an apartment and I'm moving up July 1st, start TA training July 7th and will be doing research throughout the summer and continue through the school year.

    I had the benefit of doing undergrad an hour away from Ithaca, so I drove over and scoped out several different apartment complexes from a single company.

    I will wind up paying $760/month for a 710 square foot studio apartment 2 miles north of campus. Electric/heating will be ~$100/month. You can get much better rates if you look carefully and decide to live with a roommate. However, I really wanted my own apartment.

    I can answer any questions about my apartment search etc. if you guys are still looking. My best advice is to constantly check Craigslist http://ithaca.craigslist.org

    Anyone else going to be around for TA training at the beginning of July?

  2. I know the chem department holds TA training starting the beginning of July. All the faculty and grad students I talked to said that this time is usually used to find housing for the school year. There are lots of housing options and none of the grad students I talked to indicated any difficulty in finding housing, even as late as July. I anticipate you'll be fine.

  3. I've been to Ithaca/Cornell many times and live nearby so my advice is based on that. As far as cars go, keep in mind that Ithaca is very hilly, especially in Collegetown where the undergrads predominantly live. If you can, try to get off street parking because even just visiting I've seen quite a few side mirrors get sheared off of parked cars by cars coming up/down the hills. Parking on campus is expensive and not fantastic. On campus parking is about $700 a year for a car (parking also might not be included in your rent!), and even then most of the parking is on the edge of campus. I guess that might work if you live far from campus and whatever academic discipline in is near the parking lot you get. I don't know for a fact if you get to choose what parking lot you're assigned. For what it's worth, motorcycle parking permits are a one time fee of about $60, good for as long as you own the bike--I believe you can park in more places if you have a motorcycle. From living in a similar area and knowing Ithaca, most of your driving will be to grocery stores and shopping, as well as travelling to and from your hometown if it's within a drivable distance. At the moment, gas in this general region is about $2.15-$2.20 a gallon, so compare that with what you're used to and maybe that affects your decision of car type. Hope some of this helps.

  4. Hey everyone. I too will be going to Cornell next year, for chemistry. I have the benefit of living about an hour away, so I will be able to scope out housing and get situated. I know I'll be in Ithaca in early July for TA training, and probably will continue through the summer doing research. If I check out any of the options you guys are looking at, I'll be sure to let you know my impressions.

  5. Are you california residence... when did you hear back from Berkeley

    I am curious about this too. I'm quite anxious to hear back from Berkeley.

    Also duncan, I've gotten into Penn, Penn State and Cornell and am waiting for MIT, Berkeley and Columbia. I also strongly considered applying to the other schools you applied to. Are you into materials and analytical, by chance?

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