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Everything posted by Kursteilnehmer

  1. Yeah I was expecting something from Yale this week too. It's gotten me very nervous, wondering if maybe the accepted students have already been contacted... I guess we just have to keep our fingers cross over the weekend. GOOD LUCK!
  2. Very pleased to see there are already a bunch of German acceptances up on the results page. Congratulations! Anyone want to claim them? Anyone have additional news to report?
  3. interesting. well, it seems you have a better handle on it than i do. i hope what you're saying isn't the case though....
  4. let me know when you find out. i'm emotionally invested now
  5. what makes you think berkeley rhetoric is going down that path? because of butler? they got a bunch of other luminarios
  6. My interests tend closer to theory than the traditionally literary, so it didn't seem to be a good fit for me personally. Are you thinking about applying? Or have you already sent out applications for the Fall?
  7. interesting, yes. i found it very difficult to put out my interests while remaining sufficiently liberal. hm, i imagine NYU and Northwestern will be far more responsive to my case than Yale... but i don't know. it's all so soul crushing, applying
  8. I applied to Yale, Northwestern, and NYU, and a couple Comp. Lit. places as well. (I'm mostly interested in the Aesthetics of the Frankfurt School.) Any idea how competitive things are this year or anything like that? I regret not applying to Chicago or Princeton--I just found myself too stressed trying to manage those applications I had already undertaken earlier in the year, while also working full-time. Good luck in any case.
  9. So who's applying to German programs for the Fall? (Where at? What are your interests?) In contrast to last year, no Germanists seem to be popping up... Anyone else applying to Yale? NYU? Northwestern? Chicago?
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