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Everything posted by Stochast

  1. My goal is to get a MA in Stats from a decent university, prefer Canada but America is fine too. I want to work in the public/private sector more than academia. I have a BA in philosophy and am finishing a BSc in Economics. My average gpa across both degrees is going to be around 3.3, my final 2 years have an upward trend towards 3.8. However, I'm not sure how strong my math background is. I don't have much math per se, but I do have quantitative Econ courses: Calc I, II, III Math 208 [Math for economics] = (Matrix algebra, solution to linear systems, quadratic forms; partial derivatives, constrained and unconstrained optimization) Econ 245 & 246 [descriptive stats/probability] & [statistical inference] ECON 350 [Mathematical Economics I] = (application of calculus and linear algebra to econ) Econ 351 [Mathematical Economics II] = (Difference equations, differential equations, and dynamic optimization with applications to econ.) Econ 353 [Computer Aided Modeling in Economics] = (numerical methods and their application in economics.) Econ 365 [Econometrics I] = (Estimation of the regression model; sampling properties of estimators; testing restrictions; restricted least squares.) Econ 366 [Econometrics II] = (Stochastic regressors; Dummy variables; multicollinearity; instrumental variables estimation; seemingly unrelated regressions. generalized least squares; maximum likelihood; aspects of specification analysis; dynamic models; simultaneous equation models.) tl;dr Are linear algebra and real analysis necessary for most stat programs? Is my GPA a problem? So you see, I have little pure math/stats courses. But my economics courses have a lot of stats & calculus in them. I'm hoping for a fall 2012 entrance somewhere average, I don't think any top-tier place will be in reach. Any suggestions on where I may have a good shot? Sorry for long post, Thanks!
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