GPA: 3.79
GRE: V580(82%) Q800(94%) AWA 3.0(10%)
sGRE biology: 880, 97% below
TOEFL: 98/ R27 L24 S22 W25
country: Taiwan
research/publications: No publication. Doing research work for more than 1 year.
schools applying to: UC Berkeley Plant biology, UC Davis PBGG, Duke Biology, WSBS, Stanford Biology, Yale E&EB, Cornell Plant biology, Rokefeller, Penn state Plant biology, UMass Plant biology(MS), Washington state Plant biology(MS)
application/admission progress: Until now, I have receive 3 interviews, UC Davis(On-site), Duke(On-site) and Penn state(phone interview).
Reject: WSBS
I am glad to see plant lovers here! : ) Hope everyone could receive good news.
And I am also looking forward to study in the state: D