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Posts posted by willtherebestars

  1. I have a question for anybody who is in a PhD program (or knows somebody who has been in this situation) and has for some reason or another decided to go to a different school.

    My circumstances are the following: I came to a great school for a PhD in Hispanic Studies. The program, however, is very very small. Although the professors are great (for the most part) and I have learned a great deal, I have come to realize as my research interests become clearer that I might be hurting myself by not being in a bigger program with professors whose interests more closely match my own. Our program focuses on getting students through fairly quickly, so I can't say that I feel like I took as much coursework as I would have liked before (presumably) passing my comprehensive exam. Aside from this, there is the news we got this semester that our program will be suspending PhD admissions for at least two years and only accepting MA candidates. That's not to say that the program is doomed; however coupled with the other information I've given here, I am feeling more and more like I should be in a program which is going forward and which suits me better.

    To my knowledge, the schools I'm comparing are equally ranked. It is not a matter of going to a better school by any means. It is truly a matter of resources and fit. The question for me is essentially whether or not I should even consider this. I don't know how awful it seems in terms of etiquette, because I certainly don't want to make my program look bad by leaving it. However I am really concerned with my career and don't want to stay on with a sinking ship, so to speak. I entered the PhD program without a MA; I've taken quite a few courses so far but wouldn't necessarily mind having to take more in the future. As I said, I am not sure I am taking enough for my comfort in my current program.

    My idea was to talk with some of the professors at the university I have in mind and to first of all see if their department really would be a better fit for me (of course). I don't see the harm in doing this.

    Any feedback / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Congrats on UC Irvine! I keep getting letters from their financial aid office and it's driving me crazy because I keep thinking it's something important. Stanford was a heart-breaker. I actually had a chance to visit the campus so it was that much more devastating to receive the letter. Sigh. Also got a rejection letter from Johns Hopkins yesterday (2/25).

  3. The big black mark against three of my applications (for one "safety" and two top choices, one of which was a reach anyway) is going to be my writing sample. It's pretty good for something thrown together at the last minute, and even has a couple of quite good sections, but, upon rereading a couple of weeks after the fact, it's weak overall.

    This lead to the question of whether I really have given myself the best possible chance with my applications. And questions, naturally, lead to polls! I know a lot of us are super anxious, but if at all possible I'd like the poll to reflect a little objectivity. It's probably pretty common to be obsessing over every detail, but it is unlikely the committees are going to reject you on the basis of the font you wrote your SoP in. Unless it was Wingdings...


  4. I was just about to post a thread on this very topic! I received an email the day after my interview saying I would be recommended for admission with a fellowship, and that I would receive an official letter from the Graduate School and the Director of Graduate Studies... it's been about two weeks! Nervous! I don't want to be rude or pushy by asking them about it. I think I'll wait one more week, then ask. It's not like I've got other offers lining up at this point anyway... but this is one of my top choices and that official letters is very important!

  5. Buenas noches a todos!

    Espero que todo se lo pase bien en estos dias, que el esperar es horrible. Pero una cosa positiva - fui aceptada a Boston College con beca de Teaching Fellowship. Todavia la admision no es oficial; me falta la carta oficial. A celebrar... yo creo que voy a tomar una copa y claro que voy a buscar tapas ;)

    Pero todavia me quedan 4 respuestas...

    Suerte con todo!

  6. Muchas gracias ninasiesta. Sounds like it went well! From my brief research (es decir, google) I was expecting questions like, "What would/could you contribute to your field?" / "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" / "Why should we pick you over other candidates?" and other such things. Seriously! Could you imagine having to answer that on the spot? I'm just going to prepare for the worst (and by that I mean most intrusive and demanding) case scenario, and then hopefully the real thing won't live up to my expectations.

    This is, of course, making the HUGE assumption that I am granted an interview... :!:

  7. Saw Jeff Tweedy last night :D Been listening to a lot of Being There.

    Other than that, been listening to tons of Of Montreal, esp. Satanic Panic and Hissing Fauna. Haven't heard the new one yet...

    There's another album after Hissing Fauna??? I keep seeing that Outback commercial that um ...features Wraith Pinned to the Mist.

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