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Posts posted by Md23Rewls

  1. My initial nervousness has abated some, but I still refresh the various blogs/forums pretty often looking for acceptances. Staying around the house has started to drive me crazy, so I'll go out for a while and try to take my mind off of everything, then come back and think about everything some more. On occasion I'll do some day writing (I'm more of a night writer, though). I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, which is time consuming. I'm also still in the process of looking for a job, which is annoying. I'm not much of a cook, but I've found that making myself a fried egg sandwich has a calming effect when all this MFA stuff is getting to be too much. Something about eggs on the stove is soothing, haha.

    Whenever I feel the stress building I listen to music--Bob Dylan has saved my life many a times throughout this process.

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