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MENA people: what's the procedure to buy our air ticket? I'm sure this is spelled out somewhere but I don't know where...any one know if there is a possibility to receive funds in advance of buying the ticket, instead of being reimbursed? I'm so anxious because my cc is maxed out and I have already been turned down for a bank loan, and I have no savings to speak of... yikes! Anyone else in this position?
Hi Yosi, My suggestion: don't tell your current doctor about it and check NO on that part of the form. If it's too late for that, ask your doctor to right a letter saying she/he finds you totally fit to complete the grant. I'm sure it will be fine!
Oh fantastic news!!! Congratulations! See you in DC.
To everyone with work-related fears: In my experience, it is almost always best to bite the bullet and tell your employer as soon as possible. Of course, you know your own work situation best and this may not be feasible for you, but as a general rule total transparency tends to work best. When I was an undergrad, I was in this situation a few times, where I desperately needed a job and bent the truth a bit during the interview saying I was interested in something long-term, when I knew I'd be leaving in a few months for another internship/to go home/whatever. When I kept it a secret and sprung it on my employer at the last minute, it was a SURE FIRE WAY to burn bridges -- they are not only pissed off that you're leaving, but doubly pissed when they figure out you've been lying/planning something behind their backs the whole time. I've been in that situation a few times since those harrowing experiences, and have learned my lesson. For instance, when I got into graduate school, I was right in the middle of a year-long contract. I told my employer immediately that I wouldn't be able to finish my contract, because of this fantastic opportunity. He was sad to see me go but DID NOT fire me (as I feared), and was relieved to have several months notice to find my replacement. We left on great terms, he still writes me letters of recommendation and says he always has a job for me if I ever move back. The same thing happened with Fulbright: I started a new job last fall and though I only signed a 1 year contract, from the beginning it was understood that my employer would prefer me to stay longer. Over the course of the spring, we started to plan projects for next year and were in the midst of discussions to create a new job for me when I found out about the Fulbright. Since I work very closely with my employer (the president of the co.) and he was going out on a limb to make these opportunities for me, I was super nervous/felt guilty to tell him, but I bit the bullet and told him the same day I found out. Again, he is said to see me go, but was thrilled for me and now we have the whole summer to plan an exit strategy, and we'll definitely be keeping in touch for future projects. the lesson in all this: I encourage you guys to bite the bullet and make it easy for yourselves and your companies to make the transition in the fall! And for those worried about finding jobs again after the grant period, start networking NOW, already, for next year. That's another reason to leave your current job on the best terms possible--even if they don't hold your current position open for you, your current employer can be a great ally in the future. Hope this helps
Oh fantastic Lulu, thanks a million! this is very helpful. Looking forward to seeing you in Washington. We should all wear name tags with our "gradcafe" aliases on them so we can find each other
For the MENA people: does anyone have any more info about the Orientation? I registered online and confirmed my air ticket, but obsessive planner that I am, I feel anxious not having a schedule/address of the hotel/ etc., etc. I haven't submitted my medical forms yet (still waiting on lab results...and I am sad to report that as a newly un-insured graduate, those tests just ate up a third of my paycheck:() so I'm wondering if I'll be a bit out of the loop until that is taken care of. If any of you others have more info than I do, I'd love to hear it!
I have a full grant to Egypt, and will be staying in Cairo. How it breaks down is: There is a chunk of money for airfare + relocation to egypt; a monthly stipend; a lump sum for studying Arabic; and a small sum for "professional development" (which is buying books and the like), plus insurance. I have lived in Egypt before and the monthly stipend is MUCH more than I lived on previously, so I would say yes, there is most definitely enough to live on comfortably and do a bit of travelling! However, I'm also used to living on an extremely tight budget and working 3-4 jobs at any given time, so this whole thing feels very Cindarella-esque to me. Someone with a different lifestyle might think differently about it. Where are you off to, IVA?
Got the whole grant package with the break down of $$$, etc. all I can say is... SWEET DEAL!!! I'm really excited
Qahira and I both applied to Egypt. I know Taiwan applicants got the same email: no CLEA due to budget cuts. I don't know if it will be the same for other countries, but chances look dim Oh will, I'm still grateful for what I got!!!
Same here. Bummer.
Just got the big envelope and booked my travel to D.C. Can't wait to meet the rest of you MENA'ers! Now for the dreaded doctor's appointment...
I just go tthe same email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm about to die of happiness!!!!! Oh what a wonderful reward after such a terribly long wait. Congratulations Qahira!!! I'm so excited to have an art history research buddy over there! Yay for us!!!
Congrats Stars and Berlino! Looks like all the MENA letters went out Wed. Was really hoping to have something in my mailbox today, but no luck. There was just a small white envelope and I freaked thinking it was a rejection, but luckily it was some random piece of mail for my neighbor. Any other Egypt people hear today? Here's hoping for Monday...
Just found a manilla envelope in my mailbox mailed from NY...but it wasn't from Fulbright The cruelty! It only took 2 days for this package to arrive. Here's hoping there's something in the mail tomorrow...
Good luck to you too!!! all my fingers are crossed....this is going to be a sloooooooow week