Long time lurker here, and I apologize in advance for going a little off topic. I've been extremely anxious these past few days and I decided to take advantage of this forums pool of knowledge.
I have been in contact with the professor in charge of the graduate program at my number 1 choice for a Phd in political science. On Feb 27th he told me that while he couldn't say anything official he was planning on recommending me for admission and full support to the graduate office. He said the grad office usually takes 2-3 days to turn it around and there are "a few more steps" after that. He said that ""hopefully if all goes will you should hear something official by the end of the week." That was this past Friday. Now I know I'm probably overreacting and I should just shut up and chill out but Its been extremely hard to do so. But I can't help myself... Should I be worrying? At what point do I need to contact the professor?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated .
Congrats to all those who got into their programs this cycle!