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Everything posted by Tanyusha

  1. I actually already live in Moscow! I'm using my mother's address as getting mail from the US in Moscow is unfortunately a pretty lost cause. I did not go to U of U and am not from Utah either.
  2. I'm expecting my letter to come to a permanent address in Utah and still haven't received anything. Good luck.
  3. I am one of the Russia applicants still waiting for my announcement letter and checking the spreadsheet every day to see how many people have already gotten theirs. As an aside, it seems that a majority of forum users, thus, people who have added their information to the spreadsheet, were awarded the Fulbright. Perhaps there is a connection, between the resourcefulness/obsessiveness of the forum users and our likelihood of receiving the grant. Just a suggestion.... =)
  4. I haven't heard anything yet. Where did you see that decisions were mailed on Monday?
  5. My question was in regard to Russia Fulbright applicants, so I assume that her answer applies to all of us. I mentioned to her that I would share the info on the forum. =)
  6. Emailed Rachel today regarding announcements for Russia applicants and received the following response. Another 1-2 weeks before they are mailed out. We’re just finalizing all of the pieces necessary in order to move forward and issue official FSB notifications. Although not a promise, my guess is that we’ll be mailing these out within the next 1-2 weeks.
  7. Thanks for the update - I applied for a full grant to Russia and am also anxious to hear. Please post again as you hear news of your awards!
  8. Finalist for Research Grant to Russia (Moscow!)
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