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Everything posted by byjo0801

  1. U can ask for an extenstion from that school, March 21 is pretty early to make that decision. Just make up some blah blah, big decision need more time to think, or just tell the truth. School A wants you there, so they will probaly be ok with taking another week or so. U can accept and then decline the offer, but it sort of looks bad.
  2. People, you all left out what is the most important aid for the busy grad cramming in a ton of books...Read a couple book reviews of the book(if available). U cant base a criticial review of the book or even an entire discussion for a seminar class with this tactic (well I have but I dont recommend it!), but they (the good ones) outline the main points, put the book within the historiography, etc.. It is also not a dumb question. I myself read the intro twice, slow, and the rest as fast as I can while taking notes in the book(underline/margins). The goal of my notes is to be able to review the book using the notes in 30-45 minutes, so far it has not failed me. Reading slow is sort of pointless, because you are not going to remember every sentence you read...the faster the better for me!
  3. yeah i am just bumping this topic in the hopes someone who has some exp. at WMU may see it.
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