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    Durham, NC

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  1. I don't think so, at least not for my grant. The set amount of money is supposed to cover for the DC trip.
  2. The old Indonesia Fulbright group on facebook wasn't working, so we created a new one: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_169161563139478&notif_t=group_r2j We have three members and are growing at a rate of 1 member/30m! Let's keep this up.
  3. Rooting for you! I received mine a day later than some other guy in NC for the same program, so you might be on to something with our mail. Best of luck!
  4. Have any ETAs for any country received notification of placement yet?
  5. Can anyone tell me where we are supposed to send our medical forms? Somehow I lost the letter that tells you what to do with it after you fill it out.
  6. Anyone else accepted for Indonesia? I figure there's a large enough number to warrant a facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_214139035269487. This way we can share information and resources online and get to know each other a little before heading out.
  7. It looks like it got sent from NY, basic snail mail. There's another person who received notification while living in Germany on the spreadsheet, and it seems like there's about a 3 day delay as compared to applicants living in the US. Hope that helps. Skyfire--I noticed you seem to know a lot about JET. I'm currently a finalist for JET and just received an offer for an ETA grant. Which would you choose if you had to pick between the two? There are a lot of pluses and minuses for each opportunity, and it would be great to have another opinion from someone who knows a lot about both.
  8. Sorry to hear you're an alternate, but, if last year's statistics are any consolation, it looks like a very large number of alternates ended up receiving the grant. I just checked my mail, and it looks like I'll be heading to Indonesia next year. Good luck to everyone who has yet to hear back!
  9. Do ETA notifications from a specific country usually come at the same time as research grant notifications? Indo ETA here and not sure if my heart rate is warranted.
  10. An excerpt from an email from my fulbright advisor's office: "We have heard that Fulbright has begun notifying students. Since we do not usually get notification until all of the countries have made their decisions, would it be possible for you to let us know when you have heard from them?" So no, they do not find out until after all decisions have been made.
  11. I added a sheet to the notification spreadsheet for people to compile resources for Fulbright scholars. If you know of any resources, online or offline, that you think would be useful, add them to the list: https://spreadsheets...CNHpkd4P#gid=12
  12. I think I speak for most of us when I say... @#@*#URIWEPUWIERWPIOFJWIOEFPJWEFIWEFPOWIERUOWIERIOWEFJPWEFJOIPWEFOIEWFJPWEOIFJWEIOTWPUEORIWUERWOIURWEPORIFJIWOEPJF WHERE IS MY LETTER So tired of waiting... And to make things worse, today I received an email from my fulbright advisor's office entitled "Fulbright Status." Heart pounding, I opened the email only to see a request to let them know when I found out. Ugh.
  13. I think I'm going to go crazy waiting another three months. Last year my program didn't notify applicants until late April.
  14. Is there any way we can view the actual number of applicants forwarded to the next round for a particular program? Or do we just have to go by the 1.5-2x the spots estimate?
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