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Everything posted by pjkbmarm

  1. I don't think your age should matter either, in fact I think diversity is a good thing! I loved doing undergraduate with a variety of ages...mostly early 20's (way more mature and focused than I was at that age!), but we had people in their 30's, 40's, and an occasional 50 or 60 something. I think what matters is your dedication to it, and of course the talent and energy you bring to it. Now that I have admitted to being an old lady, could someone tell me how to list the schools I applied to and the results automatically under my post? Computer savvy is one area where my age seems to be a disadvantage Thanks!
  2. After browsing around, I found this as a topic last year and decided to resurrect it. I am 44 and have children (3 grown, 2 at home). Just curious about the age range in MFA programs... Good luck to everyone, my results are slow as molasses!
  3. I was accepted to Burren College after a phone interview yesterday. Yay!
  4. I have now been rejected again! From UCSD. So far three official rejections (Bard, CalArts, UCSD), one assumed (UCSB), so things don't seem too positive. Oh well, life goes on. Thank you to all the posters here for all this mutual support, it really helps!
  5. I am now feeling pretty sad. I got an extremely polite rejection e-mail from Bard explaining that they had over 400 applicants etc. Today I got an extremely polite rejection from CalArts in the mail saying pretty much the same (that it should not be taken as an evaluation of talent etc.) So, at least they weren't ugly. But now I feel like the next 10 will be rejections too. boo.
  6. I applied to Bard. I agree, the painting faculty is amazing! Good Luck!
  7. I would e-mail them immediately and let them know of your mistake, and that you are happy to waive your right... these people are human beings too, I am sure they would note that on your file gladly or tell you what to do. Good luck!
  8. Your work is beautiful! What is it you are working with? Is that cut paper? I absolutely love it, and I want one at my house...
  9. pjkbmarm


    i heard that they help you out if you help them out from a grad student when i visited. I'm not exactly sure what that means....teaching assistant maybe? have you been accepted?
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