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    political science

pittsburgh1476's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Any news on UNC?? are you waitlisted if you haven't heard from them yet?
  2. UNC???? Anyone????
  3. TO whoever posted on results looking for TAMU info....I got an overnighted letter 12 days ago from the DGS. I never contacted them about my status. Came out of the blue honestly. PM me if you want any other info.
  4. going for PhD in political science....anyone ending up there for anything?
  5. To anyone who applied to Pittsburgh. Not sure if anyone has been notified, but, I meet with a prof. every friday to work on an independent study. I was told today that the process is complete and admittants chosen. You should be hearing very very soon. I didn't apply myself, but I am an undergrad there. Good luck!
  6. Anyone....is it livable!!! I'm from the north.
  7. Colorado is notifying. Probably the wave will cometomorrow. I got an email from a prof whom I interviewed with tonight congratulating me. But, I got waitlisted for funding, which sucks considering Texas AM gave me full funding. Recruitment weekend is Feb 26-March 1. He said there is still a chance for funding. Good luck to CU applicants. I'd bet my life's savings, not much mind you, that decisions come for all on Friday.
  8. again, similar situation here. my 3rd LOR writer totally dropped the ball. never sent it. went MIA over winter break. didn't find another prof to write one until jan 10th, 20 days past the deadline. just yesterday, the guy who dropped the ball emailed me and apolgized, after me sending him 100 emails and 100 phone calls over break. anyway, I got in last friday, so don't worry, stuff happens.
  9. that sort of happened to me too....i got that letter like 2 weeks ago, but then I got an email early last week with the same info, also telling me that the graduate school has received my application. i got my acceptance letter that friday. dont know what it means, but there it is
  10. scratch that...recruitment weekend is march 27-29. i lied
  11. I'm the texas am admit. came home and there was a UPS overnighted package with the acceptance letter. preview weekend is the weekend of mach 20th. anyone else?
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