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Everything posted by animadversion

  1. I was on the way to the airport to go back home and just checked my email again, to see an admissions letter to UCLA !!! So there is still hope if you haven't heard from them yet! Don't give up and good luck to everybody!
  2. Is there also anyone out there who hasn't gotten a notification from UCLA so far?
  3. Congrats ! That's a great option! Anyone wanna guess whether we will hear something from Berkeley tonight?
  4. @Livio and others: Do you intend to go to Duke for their visiting weekend? I just booked my flights and it would be great to meet some people from the board there.
  5. Thank you! I wish you all luck that you get an admission soon. I can imagine how this waiting must feel as I have gone through it last year!
  6. Also accepted to UT Austin for comparative politics!
  7. Also got into OSU (the graduate coordinator sent email with attached PDF) !!
  8. Just got an email from Michigan as well but it contained a rejection - at least there is no more waiting for the results
  9. Congratulations !!! Was it a personal mail from Michigan or a link to the webpage?
  10. Just came home after a looong day in the university and then got the link to the admissions letter to Duke!! I'm shellshocked, Duke is one of my top choice :-)!!!
  11. Hi, I got an email from the Graduate Coordinator with an attached admissions letter.
  12. Hi all, it's my first post here (but lurked around for some time) and I want to claim one of the UNC admissions :-). Wish you all the best for your applications
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