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    Fulbright ETA

Gracello's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Some names as well as country locations have been changed-- it looks like someone might be trolling it. I just went through and changed some of the country locations back to normal (bored in the library, haha) but you definitely should go through and make sure your name is correct.
  2. I'm applying to Austria (ETA only) as well as Germany, although from the spreadsheet last year the ETA only people didn't hear back until the beginning of April. Congrats to you, though!
  3. Hilarious story that I'm sure many of you can empathize with: just got a package notification from the U.S. State Department (my building e-mails us when we have something delivered to the mail room) so naturally I flipped out thinking it was my Fulbright stuff and ran downstairs only to find... my new passport is here. Not quite as exciting.
  4. awesome spreadsheet! thanks for making that. now looking forward to being able to fill it in with more information... *wait wait wait*
  5. Yeah, I wound up making my Grant Purpose much more of a cover letter than my original, although the Personal Statement did stay relatively similar. But... for any of you who haven't started on those yet (I almost became one before kicking myself in to gear a few weekends ago), GET STARTED NOW!
  6. Just sent mine in two days ago, aagh! Took way longer than I expected, even though my German is just fine, mainly in that translating my original personal statement and making it sound good in German was difficult. Now, to wait... when did most people hear back about ETA last year?
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