Final Tally for MFA Graphic Design / Visual Communication.
VCU - Accepted w/o aid.
SCAD - Accepted w/ 10k scholarship
OU (norman) - Accepted w/ 3k scholarship
FHSU - Accepted with funding pending
MICA - Rejected.
I'll be attending VCU. Best of luck to everyone who is still making decisions or waiting to hear back!
I didn't get an interview with MICA so I assume I am rejected. VCU was my top choice so I have already confirmed my acceptance. Let me know which way you go! I've heard MICA offering some money but they are still super pricey.
Was accepted back in February and was told they had limited funding. It made it seem like only 1 or 2 of the 6 accepted applicants receive GTA positions? No mention of scholarships. Do you plan on going there?
They emailed me directly today and said they'd be sending a snail mail later on. I was expecting interviews and such, nothing. Hopefully you'll hear back soon!
So if I haven't received a call from MICA this week, should I assume that I'm not accepted? I assume they call everyone they plan to accept, correct?
Also, does anyone know how many spots are open at VCU?
Got a call last week accepting me into SCAD's MFA in Graphic Design program plus $10k/year scholarship. I noticed not many people were applying to SCAD in any discipline. Is that school frowned upon? Is it the cost?
Also applied:
OU (univ. of oklahoma)
Got a call last week accepting me into SCAD's MFA in Graphic Design program plus $10k/year scholarship. I noticed not many people were applying to SCAD in any discipline. Is that school frowned upon? Is it the cost?
Also applied:
OU (univ. of oklahoma)