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    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. The amount of $ I will have to borrow for 2.5 years at NYU (living expenses not included) will be more than my FIVE years at Pitt, tuition and living expenses included. HahahacfgvddhmkitsGSHHAHAHAgjhaaHa!
  2. ahhhh touche, my friend! touche!
  3. Haha! I am going through a nasty breakup with Pitt. I was waitlisted and find myself thinking as I walk past the school "Pshhh.... after EVERYTHING I've done for you!" It's sad. Anyone ever see the Sex and the City episode where Carrie is going through her first break-up with Big and rebounds with the New Yankee? "Break-up rule number one...destroy all pictures where he looks sexy and you look happy." I guess I have to destroy all my pictures alongside the School of Health and Rehab Sciences. BUMMER
  4. That's definitely something to be proud of, mscongeniality! OWN IT.
  5. Oh I know! My poor family... whenever something important is going on (family members traveling, someone has an important test) my grandmother will light a candle for them. Needless to say, my grandmother went through a lot of candles this year haha. My parents took off work in the fall to come out to Pitt and take me to dinner because they said I sounded "crazed" on the phone! This experience has certainly been very humbling haha. I thought I was going to waltz into whatever program I pleased. But now I realized...... awesome GPA, research experience, great LORs, SO WHAT. So does everybody else! Haha Glad to hear that you received good news, though!
  6. Same here! I would never wish this experience on anyone haha.
  7. I do hear from a lot of my professors at Pitt that although rankings are tempting, they should be more of a decision factor when deciding where to pursue a Ph.D. There are many schools in Scranton (where I'm from) whose Master's programs have a great local reputation, but are virtually nonexistant on the rankings board. I do think "success" at the Master's level hinges on what the individual student puts into their education. Or maybe I'm just telling myself this since NYU is the only place I got into so far haha! Ah yes, I am completing my undergrad at Pitt. So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! :
  8. Thanks for the info! What inparticular is lacking? Coursework? Research? Clinical placements? I know they went through an administrative transition, but I need some specifics.
  9. Anyone know why NYU is ranked so low?
  10. You guys are awesome. Haha thanks so much!
  11. Finally some good news! Accepted to NYU.
  12. Anyone still waiting to hear from Rush? .... Not looking good for me haha
  13. Oh, Heather! She is such a sweet woman haha. Thanks for the update! Congratulations again!!
  14. congratulations! That is awesome! How did Bloom contact you? email? letter? I'm still waiting
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