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Posts posted by s2k

  1. ah true, I hadn't thought of the transcript.  the thing is, it is my thesis advisor who asked for my CV (in order to write a rec) and he didn't advise me on my masters…. sooo I essentially wanted to impress him, since I asked him if he wanted to see my transcript and he waived his hand and said it wasn't necessary.  eh, it is the same department, so maybe he knows already? my graduate advisor told me she'd never heard of anyone else getting an a+


    but yeah I don't know why we get grades for these things, we also get a grade on our comp exams.

  2. Hi everyone,


    I am compiling my CV for the first time, and I was wondering, should you put your grades on there? I'm assuming cumulative GPA, under masters heading (I'm in my third year, now working on comp exams)? But also what can you do with your grade on your actual masters thesis? 


    I did get an A+ on my masters, but no one told me if this constitutes any sort of 'mention' or 'honors' - should I just ask my graduate advisor, just list my grade, or put nothing? I don't want to come across as tacky - above all!!

  3. My department has a grad student association that organizes grad student conferences and other workshop type events, among other things.  They're always looking for people to join, and claiming that "it looks great on your academic resume."  I'd rather not spread myself too thin, and so I'm wondering if this is actually true? 

  4. Does anyone know what exactly the policy is for giving out an A+ in graduate classes at Columbia? Do professors usually give out one per course or so, or is it rare to receive them? I was told that it was an 'honor' but I'm wondering if it's an honor most students receive at some point...

  5. Can someone tell me exactly what this means: "We are committed to offering all our prospective students a combination of fellowship aid and teaching to cover their years in the program. Under normal circumstances, students can count on at least two years of fellowship and four years of teaching."

    I.E. The first two years I don't teach at all, I just get a stipend, and the following four years I'm teaching classes to earn a stipend? This would mean six years total of aid - does this mean I don't have to take out loans at all?

    I am not very well versed in how financial aid works... help!

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