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Everything posted by daliu87

  1. I got their admission information by email and through their application website. I haven't gotten a hard copy in the mail or anything yet, but I already signed up for their visit
  2. I got the JHU interview invite on Feb 8 at around 5pm. They gave me until Feb 11 to decide on which day to go. I'm not sure how long they'll take to send out invites though. Thanks!
  3. I heard back from JHU at the beginning on the week, they're interview dates are Feb 24-25 or March 10-11. Good luck! Hopefully you'll hear from them soon...
  4. daliu87


    Got an interview invite email from JHU BME yesterday, the interview dates are Feb 24-25 or March 11-12. Scheduling is getting interesting since the dates conflict with other potential schools...
  5. @alpha_beta_gamma, I heard from a friend at JHU BME that they've been reviewing applications these past two weeks and should be sending out interview invites next week and the week after. The professors there echoing the typical sentiment this year though, they're receiving a lot more applications from people who are really qualified and competitive... good luck!
  6. I'm getting ready for bioengineer/biomedical engineering interviews right now. For all my schools, the programs that are closely affiliated with a medical school or in the medical school have interviews, but the ones that reside in the engineering college don't require interviews. Definitely seems like it depends on the culture of the field and college, traditionally medical sciences and biological sciences do interviews, while engineering and comp sci rarely do.
  7. @desperate4cal, haha yea. I just got a bit worried when I saw a few people getting invitations already. I've only heard from three schools so far, accepted at WashU St. Louis and interviews at Berkeley and University of Rochester. I probably didn't get the UCSD interview though since i haven't heard from them yet.
  8. Has anyone heard any more details about UCSD or MIT interview invites? I'm still hoping that they're not done inviting people already...
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