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Sky Pilot

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Posts posted by Sky Pilot

  1. What a story! Your conflict and internal debate about ministry is probably not entirely unfamiliar to most students entering divinity school; it’s described as a “calling” for a reason! Ministry is a very interesting and enigmatic profession, so explaining the call to yourself, let alone to someone else, can be tricky. Discernment is a long and tricky path.

    Let me see if I can address some of your concerns…

    Regarding your GPA: I was accepted into both Harvard and Andover Newton with a 3.3 GPA. My GRE scores were okay, but not great (610 verbal, 540 quantitative), and I suspect that my Letters of Recommendation and Statement of Purpose is what really got me accepted.

    As for your background, you have an amazing story that gives character to your life and to the numbers, and will certainly be considered. On most applications, there was a section for explaining any discrepancies in your academic record, and that would certainly be a place to explain your path to finishing your BA. Additionally, I would think that your experiences over the course of your life have influenced your career goals and your interest in the ministry, and would be an integral part of your Statement of Purpose. When you start to put those things on paper, I think it will all come together.

    I agree that discerning your career goals is important. For me, I went to Open Houses and spoke to seminary students to clarify if ministry was the right path for me. You might want to talk to people in the professions you are considering, to see which aligns with your passions.

    As for your denominational affiliation, I can’t give you much advice about UU vs. UCC. I think that a joint ordination might be difficult, and you should probably speak to the ordination committee/councils for both denominations. Personally, I was raised UU but have discovered a UCC-bent in my theology that is suprising even to me! I am attending Andover Newton this fall, and I suspect that the environment there, immersed in a Christian seminary but surrounded by a vibrant UU community, will help me clarify my own theology.

    I hope some of this has been helpful, and best of luck as you go forward! I have found TheGradCafe to be very helpful throughout the application process, and hope to see you back here.

  2. *grin* I have so many previous schools -- women's college, flagship state U, community colleges, BNSU -- that I could pretty much wear a different college shirt every day of the week. :-) I am reminded of the "This is What A Feminist Looks Like" shirts featured recently at HDS for International Women's Day. "This Is What Community College Looks Like". :-) It wasn't particularly *challenging* in an academic sense, but California has so many state-specific requirements for graduates that are much more easily discharged via CC distance education or evening classes.

    My husband is currently a PhD student rocking the socks off his program, and he started at a local community college. He started taking classes to shut up my parents (we've been dating since high school!), took the "hardest" class he could find (Chemistry) and fell head over heels for the subject. He worked his butt off through community college and a local, tiny, Jesuit college, and is now working under a nationally recognized inorganic chemist and has already been published twice. "This is what Community College Looks Like", INDEED.

  3. I did exactly the same thing (signed up but now not sure). Here was my thinking at the time:

    1. Give it one last shot to make sure you do not want to make the investment

    2. Have a chance to see if it might be worth trying again later (for another degree, more money).

    Ultimately, what happened was that I realized that HDS was not really right for me financially and that it probably was not that good of an idea to go up there (why tempt yourself, when you know you can't have it). So for me, I had to draw a firm money line and just say no.

    If you really think it may be an option (or can combine it with an ANTS visit to make it worth it, then why not?) If it is a financial burden and you are not sure then maybe visiting ANTS and taking one last look at Harvard (even if it is not Open House day) may be a better option.

    But my real word of wisdom is you are not alone in the Harvard dream school/if I were rich struggle!

    I actually live in the Boston area, so financially it's not difficult to visit. If I intend to get a PhD later in life, I'd be able to visit then; I've also already been to the traditional fall HDS Open House for all interested applicants, so I've been to campus before. It's more my emotional stability-- if I visit, am I just torturing myself over the program I wish I could go to? Or is there any real reason why I should visit??

    Basically, is there any reason why I should go to campus now? Would I miss anything (the financial aid office saying "oh, silly us, here's more money")? I really can't say, hence asking for advice.

  4. Should I torture myself by attending the HDS open house if I’m pretty sure I’m not going there this fall?

    I applied to two programs (Harvard Divinity School and Andover Newton Theological School, both for the MDiv), and while I received some financial aid, I will have to take out loans in order to attend this fall (which my husband and I are prepared to do). However, I would have to take out significantly LESS in loans if I go to Andover Newton; the difference is $10k per year, $30k for the entire program.

    While Harvard is a great program and I’ve been fantasizing about it for years, I’ve realized it is much more academic than pastoral. As much as that was initially a draw for me, I’m realizing that I want my career to be much more ministry-focused, and not as academically-focused; I want to be a minister, not a professor. A few more things tip the scale in favor of Andover Newton: ANTS has much greater flexibility (and purposefully so; it's a program meant for second-career ministers). I can take up to one third of my classes online, and the classes that do meet in person meet only once a week. I could theoretically have classes only one or two days a week, and be able to work a part-time job (which is encouraged at Andover Newton). To top it off, both schools are part of the BTI (Boston Theological Institute), which means I could take classes at Harvard whenever I feel like it, without paying the premium price tag.

    When I was first accepted to Harvard, I eagerly signed up for the open house scheduled for next week. However, now that I’ve thought about it more (and discussed the price tag with my wonderfully supportive husband), I’m wondering if I should go to the open house at all. It seems like it would be just teasing me with this great program and prestigious university, when logically and financially, I’m much more inclined to go to school elsewhere.

    Do I cancel the visit to Harvard and instead focus on Andover Newton? Or just go to see what my options are? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  5. Hi Sky Pilot, as a current M.Div. candidate at Andover Newton graduating this May, and as someone who was facing a similar decision between Andover Newton and Harvard three years ago as you are now (was accepted both places), let me throw a few thoughts into the kettle...

    Wow, thank you so much for your thorough response! I haven’t seen a lot of talk about Andover Newton on this board, so your input is very helpful. I’ll try to touch briefly on the topics you covered, if only so I can bounce my ideas around a little.

    1. I do appreciate ANTS commitment to interreligious programs, so that isn’t a huge concern.

    2. I know many UUs who have gone to ANTS and enjoyed the experience, and frankly, putting myself in a position where I am reframing and restating my own religious beliefs could be an amazing asset. I like the idea of being the fish out of water.

    3. Glad to hear that ANTS can keep up; I think my interest isn’t just with the rigor, but with the cerebral nature of an academically rigorous school. Which brings me to…

    4 & 5. I do know that ANTS is more of a pastoral, ministerial program and Harvard more of an intellectual program, and I’m still working through my own discernment. I think I want to work in chaplaincy or community ministry, with youth or in nonprofit programs. Since it’s not necessarily traditional parish ministry, but isn’t purely academic, I think I fall squarely in the middle. I honestly don’t know if I should value the Harvard name more with what I’m hoping to do.

    I’m still waiting on my financial aid package from Andover Newton, and I think that might be the deciding factor. As you said, going into significantly more debt for a first choice… I don’t think I can do it. And I know for a fact that I will shape my own education, no matter where I go. It’s just really, REALLY hard to turn down Harvard.

  6. As someone who lives in the area, $1,000 is definitely a decent budget for rent, especially if you are sharing with a roommate. Go a little further from Cambridge and you'll get MUCH more bang for your buck; Harvard is comparatively expensive. Somerville and Medford are great places to live (I've lived in both!), and Davis Square is awesome (Porter is also awesome, but a little pricier). I've had nice apartments near Davis and in Medford/Somerville that run about $500 to $650 per bedroom for multi-bedroom, and around $1000 to $1200 for one bedrooms.

    In terms of getting to campus, the MBTA is your friend: the Red Line (subway) runs from Davis to Harvard in ten minutes. Alternately, there are bus routes that run between the cities often. My personal favorite is the #96 bus: it goes from Medford Square, past Tufts, through Davis Square, through Porter Square, all the way up Mass Ave to Harvard. Check out the bus routes and as long as the apartment is near a bus that drops off close to Harvard, you should be all set.

  7. I appreciated the financial aid office being so candid about it with me and told them so. Let me know what you decide -- I understand being concerned about the financials. I'm hoping to get into on-campus housing so that I will have as many fixed predictable expenses as possible. I certainly agree about taking on too much debt. My daughter is an art student who was admitted to some of the top programs, but with huge financial aid gaps -- 25-30K in parent loans above the full student loans. She ended up choosing a program that was less prestigious but had the best aid package. Of course, she was choosing an undergrad program --it's rough when already have massive debt before you even get to grad school. I will probably be much more concerned about debt for a PhD program, but part of that is just the math of being older, etc.

    I was lucky enough to escape undergrad without much debt at all... but my husband has debt from his undergrad. So I'm a little nervous. I'm still exploring options, talking to financial aid offices, etc... We'll see. Ugh, this is even worse than waiting!!

  8. Yup. In email this morning, they let me know that 1/2 tuition is the largest need-based grant they offer. All other grants are merit-based and are final offers. :-) I have no problem with that -- I know that there are folks with higher GPAs who are more competitive candidates and got merit money. Besides, it gives me even more reason to kick a$ in my first year there. :-)

    Really!? Oh, phooey. Reassuring that I got so much need-based aid, I guess, but still frustrating. And Trin, I'm with you-- I know for a fact that my academic profile is not super impressive (I was wondering how I got in in the first place!), and it makes sense that merit-based funds are going to those who are worthy. I love your attitude, too!! If I go to HDS, that's totally how I'll approach it. I'm still deciding whether I can afford HDS; I got the half-tuition grant, but I need to find funding for the other half plus cost of living (gulp). It's my dream program, but I'm terrified of taking on too much debt. Sigh.

  9. If it helps, I know two people at ANTS who seem to think it's not all that great. I have heard it's too geared toward pastoral stuff, without the academic rigor one would expect. Go to Harvard, and if you want to take something at ANTS do it through the BTI. In the end, HDS has a much bigger name than ANTS.

    good luck.

    Thanks for the advice!! I know that ANTS is much more geared toward pastoral care, but at less than half the cost... I'd rather go to Harvard, but if it really comes down to money, I could always go to ANTS and take classes at Harvard.... And maybe transfer to Harvard for the last year or so... I don't know, I'm still kind of in the dark about this one. Thanks for the advice, though.

  10. Anyone else struggling with money issues regarding their decision?

    I'm living in Boston, currently working, and recently married (to another grad student, getting his PhD in chemistry!). I am deciding between Andover Newton Theological School and Harvard.

    Here’s the breakdown:

    Andover Newton has a flexible schedule and a part-time option, so I could attend part time while working, and could avoid additional debt (my husband has student loans). The program is overall less expensive, even if I were to attend full time. However, as appealing as part-time work is, I really don’t want to take six years to complete my degree and would much rather attend full time. Additionally, I usually take the MBTA to get around, and getting out to Newton is a royal pain.

    Harvard is… well, Harvard. It’s a full time program, it has the academic rigor and interreligious environment I would love, and it has strong support for Unitarian Universalists (my denomination). Additionally, it’s Harvard—it has name recognition and opens up an expansive network of alumni, faculty, and affiliates. It’s also smack dab in the middle of Cambridge. However, Harvard is expensive. I received a half-tuition grant, but that still leaves me with over $12k in tuition, plus living expenses. I haven’t done my due diligence with other funding sources (and frankly, I’m not even sure where to start, besides looking for a scholarship from my hometown church).

    Money aside, Harvard is my first choice. I’m really, really frustrated with my current work situation and am dying to quit my job and be a full time student again. I love Harvard’s program, the professors, everything. However, I don’t know if I can bear adding another $75k or $90k to our debt.

    Anyone deal with these questions? Advice on searching for outside funding sources? Advice on making this decision? I’m between a rock and a hard place.

  11. Not necessarily true (for offers of admission). It could be for big scholarships or someone needed to discuss his financial aid app or something similar. Until we get notice that he gets through and is offered a spot, I'd hold back speculation.

    True enough... Maybe it's just watching the forums all day has made me edgy. :)

    You're totally right, we shouldn't make assumptions-- it ain't over until you have that letter in your hand (or inbox)! GOOD LUCK everyone!!

  12. No word on my end. I have decided that I have been about as crazy as I am willing to be over the decision and I am going to the library to finish my thesis. Besides, if I don't graduate, getting accepted will not matter.

    Good luck all, sending good vibes!

    Shoo, to the library!! You definitely need to graduate, hah. And at least you have a worthy distraction. I'm in the office, trying to focus on work and failing spectacularly.

    Good luck on your thesis, and good luck to everyone!!

  13. After my initial acceptance to ANTS, I completely calmed down and forgot about graduate school for a little while and focused on the REST of my life (work, family, etc). I only dropped in here at GradCafe to check up on things, and to peruse forums. It was freeing. Normal. Healthy.

    Cue this week. I've had a crazy busy week at work, so that has distracted me a little, but I keep logging in to the Harvard app website (waiting on HDS, MDiv program), refreshing my email.... Getting antsy. Last year they posted on the second Friday in March, and I've heard murmurs on here that they probably would do the same this year. So I'm getting a little more jittery.

    Today? Totally bonkers. I've logged in to the app website three times, refreshed my email every ten seconds, and jump at the drop of a hat.

    ....any news yet?

  14. I'm 26, will be 27 in the fall when I enroll. I'm actually on the YOUNG end of the spectrum for MDiv programs. Some universities skew younger (Duke, Yale, Harvard), but the program I will probably be enrolling in has an average age of 43. I don't know if my age helps or hinders my application, but I think I'm at a good spot-- a few years out of college, with some life experience, but still familiar with the joy of higher education and applications!! We'll see what Harvard thinks....

  15. I was at work when my cell phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize, so I answered. The guy on the other end of the line introduced himself as being from the school, and that's where things start to get blurry. He said "I'm calling to inform you-- actually, I'm calling to CONGRATULATE you on your acceptance...." And then he told me I received the Dean's Award, and asked if I had any questions. My brain hadn't caught up with what was going on, so I told him no, thanked him, and got off the phone. I sat there for a second thinking about it, then I pumped both arms in the air (victory!) and said "I JUST GOT IN TO GRAD SCHOOL". I work at a university, and I'd told my colleagues about it, and we had four student workers in our office, so they were pretty psyched for me. I went around explaining the program and grinning like crazy. I called my husband to share the good news, TRIED to call my mother (she was out) and just basked for a little while.

    Later, I told my mom and she seemed pleased... She asked to "brag" to family/friends, and then the email she sent (one of my family members responded to me {duh} and I saw the original) said: "She really WAS serious about being a minister! Yikes!" ....uh, thanks for the passive aggression support?? Oy vey. She's still not dealing well with the idea that her daughter could become a minister.

  16. Is anyone else bemoaning the fact that Union, Yale, and Harvard all submit their results in mid-March, later than almost everyone else for MDiv?

    Absolutely. I'm only applying to two schools; I got one acceptance last week, and will have to wait a MONTH to hear from Harvard. I still need to hear about any financial aid from Andover Newton, though, so it will be helpful to have that information first, before I start making any decisions. Still-- frustrating as hell.

  17. After reading this thread, I decided to call back the random number (from one of my potential schools' area codes) that called me Sunday night. No answer. So I... ahem... paid the 99 cents for reverse phone lookup info online! This is what this time of year does to people! I wouldn't have ever dreamed of doing such a thing previously...

    Anyway it was money poorly spent--it was a marketing company, presumably calling for some survey. Why on Earth would I only NOW start to get spam phone calls after 3 years with this number? And from that particular city no less!


    Oh, that's depressing. I'm so sorry. UGH. So maybe it's worth picking up the phone for unknown numbers (and yelling at telemarketers "YOU'RE NOT HARVARD!"), but maybe not a reverse lookup. Sighhhh.

    Good god, what have we turned into?

  18. I've been hounding my email inbox like a dog with a bone, but I just got a call from a number I didn't recognize... and answered it.... and just got a verbal acceptance to one of my programs, with the official details in the mail! So much for email!

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