Hey everybody, I wish everyone the best of luck!
I am currently an undergraduate Structural Engineering student at Purdue and am applying to MS programs in SE as well.
I applied to Illinois, Texas, Washington, Minnesota, and UC Davis.
My "stats" are a 3.77 gpa and a 3.81 program gpa. I got a 800 Q / 460 V / 4.0 W. I am an American student, and find it hilariously embarassing that foreign students seem to always do better on the verbal portion of the GRE. Anyways, I should have 3 solid LORs and my Statement of Purpose I'm sure will be acceptable. The only thing that makes me nervous is that I don't have any quality research experience.
Anyways, I'm trying to be patient, but I'm ready to find out my results. I want to know where I'll be next year. Hurry up schools!