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Everything posted by nervousandimpatient

  1. Oh, no, He applied to the Arch. Eng. program. Forgot about that until you brought it up. Another of my classmates applied to the Structures program at Boulder and hasn't yet heard back, I found out today. Again, good luck!
  2. One of my friends got rejected from there today. That was his safety school, but he got into purdue and penn state which is kind of weird. But I would say that no news is good news at this point.
  3. My stats are as follows: GPA 3.77 Program GPA 3.81 GRE: 800Q 460V 4.0W 3 solid letters of recommendation a decent statement of purpose, i think no research experience. i don't know what else to write really Honestly, I think the reputation of Purdue (my undergraduate school) has helped me significantly. Not that my stats are bad, but I didn't really expect to get into Illinois. And no preference really yet, but if one offers me an assistantship, then i'll certainly go with that one.
  4. I do go to Purdue, and I love it. I'm just ready for a change of scenery. I've lived in Indiana my entire life and am looking to experience a new area for a change. But I would highly recommend Purdue to others, the faculty are really incredible, especially in the Structures department.
  5. I feel incredibly blessed to have been accepted to 3 schools this week, as I got letters from UC Davis yesterday and now UIUC today. But I really would liike some funding and have heard nothing on that matter as of yet. I'll be a lot happier if and when that info comes in!
  6. Also regarding the UMN welcome weekend, they gave me until Friday Feb 18 to RSVP, so I would think you'd get an invite by the end of the week, or maybe early next week.
  7. Yes I did apply for the masters program. I got an invite from the department at about 5pm yesterday. I emailed the person back asking if this meant that I was admitted since my status check was still blank, and she responded back that I should keep checking and it should be posted in the next week or two. But as of right now, my status check remains blank. The welcome weekend is in 3 weeks, March 3-5, so there's still plenty of time. I don't have any other info for you, since technically I haven't been admitted yet. I'm sure you'll hear soon though!
  8. I got an email from UMN today inviting me to its Welcome Weekend. "This recruiting weekend is a great opportunity to get to know our faculty, learn about our courses and research, tour our facilities, and meet current graduate students and your future classmates." They're reimbursing all travel and stay expenses. So does this mean I've been admitted?????????
  9. Hey everybody, I wish everyone the best of luck! I am currently an undergraduate Structural Engineering student at Purdue and am applying to MS programs in SE as well. I applied to Illinois, Texas, Washington, Minnesota, and UC Davis. My "stats" are a 3.77 gpa and a 3.81 program gpa. I got a 800 Q / 460 V / 4.0 W. I am an American student, and find it hilariously embarassing that foreign students seem to always do better on the verbal portion of the GRE. Anyways, I should have 3 solid LORs and my Statement of Purpose I'm sure will be acceptable. The only thing that makes me nervous is that I don't have any quality research experience. Anyways, I'm trying to be patient, but I'm ready to find out my results. I want to know where I'll be next year. Hurry up schools!
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