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Posts posted by latetothegame

  1. Congratulations to you, Disjecta! I don't know if you're 19th -century or not, but I'm rather envious you'll have the opportunity to study with Nancy Henry, a wonderful George Eliot scholar just began teaching at Tennessee last fall -- I'd applied to Binghamton hoping to study with her and was told by the DGS that she was no longer there.

    I'm going to Temple and have been hoping to see you get funding somewhere -- I'm so glad you've gotten two excellent offers. Congratulations!

  2. I'm hoping I can audit some language classes or that the school I'm going to attend will have some kind of special training in reading of foreign languages for doctoral students. My husband took such a class at Columbia in one semester just before he defended and was able to pass the reading exam Okay. I will have to show reading proficiency in two languages or fluency in one for my degree so I think I'll have to start from scratch with German -- which is exciting but angst-inducing.

  3. Just make sure your school is not reporting tuition remission as income on your W-2 at the end of the year. My M.A. institution did, and I only discovered it after I filed the first year; I was able to submit a revised return and get an increased tax return. For the record, withholdings were automatically applied to every paycheck since I was considered a university employee as a G.A. and not a fellowship or grant recipient.

  4. Well, I e-mailed the DGS and she responded, telling me they couldn't accept me despite a strong application because they didn't have the faculty to support my research interests. Apparently, the one professor (Nancy Henry - she went to Tennessee) I'd mentioned in my SOP as someone I'd really like to study with is now no longer with the program. I'm so sad.

    Now I have to choose between a fully-funded program that's unranked, but where they really seem to want me, and Temple, a more desirable program, but where apparently they accept a whole lot of folks they can't fund, hoping someone will be a sucker and cough up tuition. I don't want to be that sucker. They still insist all funding decisions haven't been made, but I'm sure I'm on a wait list for a TA-ship.

  5. You should be proud to have been accepted to such an excellent school as IU Bloomington for your Ph.D. If I weren't tied to a particular region because of my own spouse's t-t job, I would absolutely have applied there. I'm (a Victorianist) green with envy. And the notion that you might have to settle for a community college job with a degree from there is a little too gloomy. There are people who get Ph.D.s from unranked English programs who get better jobs than that. You may only be able to get a community college job, but the idea that only top 10 programs get folks into good jobs is absolutely untrue. Don't believe the hype. :D

  6. Binghamton is still reviewing applications; I do not believe they've begun contacting anybody. According to the department secretary, they just received another stack of 80 or so applications from the graduate school that made it in before the deadline but have only just been forwarded (the grad school is running a month behind, apparently).

    I don't think we'll hear until at least the end of March.

  7. Funding at TC is very limited. There are few TA positions for even doctoral positions since there are no undergraduate courses for doc students to teach, and there are a large number of students for every faculty member, so research assistantships are also few and far between.

  8. Application stats are in my signature.

    I'm interested in late Victorian through early Modernism and specifically in the way that comic modernism pokes fun at its predecessor. I'm interested in cosmopolitanism in the nineteenth century, the cultivation of cosmopolitan subjectivity in characters/individuals from that period, and in sympathy as a tool in that project.

    I got my B.A. and M.A. from a regional U. but have solid scores, letters, etc. Am worried about writing sample because it's pieces of my thesis and now I'm worried it's too disjointed. But it's Monday morning, isn't it?

    Chicago is superior.

  9. I don't feel like any of the schools I've applied to are actually safety schools, even though a couple of them aren't highly regarded. The number of funded spots at any program is so limited it would be absurd to think of any school as a safe bet. Of course, if I had a B.A. from Harvard or WashU combined with the scores, grades, and letters I do have, I might be singing a different tune...

  10. In an ideal world I would have applied to ten or 15, but I'm geographically limited as my husband has a tenure-track job and I've also got a baby. I applied to seven; they range from totally unranked by US News to two Ivies.

    The economy had zero impact on why I did what I did; I'm just not the type of person who thinks about those things, which is one of the reasons I guess I believe I belong in the hallowed halls.

  11. I can't believe how extremely sad this has made me, this realizing that the application fee I paid to Princeton was always just a donation. I actually cried, am crying! I had to go hug my baby and have been reminding myself throughout the day (as I grade some really poor freshman comp papers) that I never really believed I had a shot. It would've so made my year though.

    I'm going to end up a seventh-grade classroom teacher at some little Catholic school, I just know it. Of course, there could be joy in that.

  12. Aha, thus the different responses per institution. I just really hope that my application simply wasn't read at any of these institutions because of the missing document. When I realized my error, I was so frustrated that nobody contacted me, that I'd spent so many hundreds of dollars and I had to do the investigative work myself to make sure my materials were in. Anyhoo, just waiting for the mailman, and trying to figure out a way to google whether or not I got in anywhere. :?

  13. I made a really stupid mistake with all my applications -- I assumed that the transcript from the school I received my B.A. from included all the information (grades) about the credits I received at another college I attended first. It didnt; only the course names and total credits transferred were included. Anyway, I didn't request that the transcripts from the first college be sent. I didn't even realize this was a problem until a few weeks ago when I noticed one program's application web site noted my application was incomplete. I also have an M.A. and did send those transcripts. I called around and got a variety of responses:

    1) Your application IS incomplete, and the department is already reading your application, but please send the transcript anyway. (2 programs)

    2) We are missing that transcript, but your application has already been forwarded to the department and is being reviewed, so you're Okay -- don't bother. (1 program)

    3) The whole process is already done. (2 programs) (To which I replied, but if you were missing a part you needed, would you have contacted me? Yes, they said)

    4) Your application is A-Okay. (1 program)

    What gives?

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