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rhinoceros party

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Posts posted by rhinoceros party

  1. Back! Good to see there's another addition to this thread.

    As for the "places to live" debate, one of the reasons I was told to live in Elmwood Village or Allentown is because that's where a lot of the professors live, and they will often have "office hours" at coffeeshops in Elmwood. I heard this from multiple sources, so I'm guessing the info's legit. And since it's where a lot of other grad students live, there will probably be chances to carpool if you don't want to take the shuttle?

    Aaaaaa I can't wait to get the registration informationnnnnn

  2. From what I've heard, there were about 250 applicants or so for twelve-thirteen spots in the PhD program, and thirty people have been accepted (I think). That's not counting the people who got accepted to the master's program, too...there's a lot.

    I've been told that I should live in either Elmwood Village or Allentown (I'm leaning toward Elmwood Village, since apparently it's the place where the hipsters live, and I need to be with my tribe :P). There's great housing that's not that expensive in those places (of course, I'm coming at it from a San Franciscan's perspective, where $1000/mo is positively cheap, so...).

    As for the cold; yes. It's kind of annoying! I dislike the cold, myself, and so I am planning to whine my way through the winters. I'm from California, but I've lived the last four years in Eastern Washington, where the winters are not as pleasant as those in the SF Bay area. Oh well. I do love chicken wings and funding. :D

    I'm interested in genre and systems theory and postmodernism; a side interest is digital humanities. So you're classics? Do you have a particular research interest?

    The "So you want to get a PhD in the humanities" video? I thought that was bloody hilarious. A friend (who is already in grad school) sent that to me right as I was filling out my grad applications, though, and I wanted to kick him. NOT NICE. Haha.

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