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Everything posted by urbantea

  1. Whats EPFL?
  2. Lets start posting results here! =)
  3. Does anyone know what the admissions statistics are for the PhD program?
  4. urbantea

    UMich or RPI?

    Hi Mark, Have you received funding from Umich ECSE? Stan
  5. urbantea


    Hey Shaddy, You need to have some self-respect...... Im not trying to put anyone down, but you got in because the admissions office saw something in your past academic accomplishments.....so make the most out of your grad studies, have confidence and work hard =) Good luck.
  6. Anyone receive funding information from UMich in EE?
  7. Yes, I applied to Davis.... Dont worry, they could still be in the process of making out acceptance offers. The contact there is a lady name Kate Shasky. She should know. Good Luck!!
  8. Yes, LA is a high crime area.........only if you put yourself in the wrong part of town: Compton, Inglewood etc. There are reports of major crimes each week......heck, every hour, but then again what big city doesnt?
  9. Just to let you know, uc davis sent a lot of decisions out in mid Feb. for ee phd
  10. Anyone hear back from the AS&T program regarding acceptances and rejections?
  11. I havent heard anything back yet either. I emailed a lady named Pat Berumen in the admissions office on feb.26th and she said final decisions will be sent out within 2 weeks. But its well past that now. I'm assuming I've been rejected. :cry:
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