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    English Literature

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  1. I'm done waiting. Albany filled their last funded spots yesterday, so we're moving to Pennsylvania. It's going to be a long two years living apart, but I think it will be worth it.
  2. Here's my email: Hope it's helpful!
  3. The waitlist acceptances keep pouring in on the results board--maybe things are looking up!
  4. Thanks, Trip. This is insane.
  5. I received this reply last night: My husband and I are going to hold out as long as we can, but it doesn't look good.
  6. Anybody hear anything new? I emailed to inquire about my status on the waitlist earlier this week because DH and I have programs that want us to give them an answer, and I didn't receive so much as a "nope, no news" response. Did anybody else have some luck? April 15th is really coming up quickly.
  7. I just wish that I could throw up all of my bad emotions right now. I have one acceptance, and I'm extremely grateful for it, as last year's season resulted in nothing but a waitlist that turned into a rejection (yes, waitlisting can be the end, too). However, taking that offer would mean living 2.5 hours away from my husband while he works on his M.F.A. My waitlist is on a campus where he has already been accepted, so we could live together (gasp!). Both of us have pressure for responses from the programs that have admitted us. I emailed my waitlist school, and they didn't even bother to write me back with a "sorry, no news yet." I know everyone's busy right now, but that doesn't mean that we can throw out common courtesy. I don't want a medium-distance marriage. I just want to live with my husband, and I want to know if that's going to be a possibility for us. Preferably before April 15 so we don't have to be "those people." Thanks for letting me rant. I needed it.
  8. Yes. I am currently an adjunct at a nearby community college teaching a variety of writing classes. Last semester I was commuting between several colleges, but this semester I have a full course load (15 credits/5 sections) at one. Others in my department graduated from the same program and now have tenured positions at the CC. In fact, the dean of my "division" did an MA with TA-ship in the same program and did not go on to get her doctorate. Other members of my TA cohort are: teaching at the university as a full-time instructor (yearly contract, 4-3 load of freshman comp), working in the admissions office, and working on the quality assurance team for a web design company. One of the best things about going to a regional conference when I was finishing my MA was realizing that people can be happy teaching at CCs. Now that I've done it for a while, I recognize that I would likely burn out after about 5 years, but I know lots of people who have been doing it for a long time and are very happy. It's challenging in many ways, yes, but it's not the total hell that it is often made out to be.
  9. Not a flagship, but I did a funded M.A. at the University of Minnesota Duluth. They don't fund all of their students, but the ones that do get funding are instructors of record for an intro comp course (1-1 load). I'm sure the lack of prestige hurt me when applying to PhD programs, but the experience got me plenty of teaching after graduation.
  10. Thanks for the update, and congratulations on the waitlist! I'm going to wait a little longer before contacting the department. I know that the DGS for my husband's department has called over to English to see where they're at (he hasn't reported back anything), and I don't want to come across as a pest. Hopefully I'll hear something soon. Isn't it odd that we haven't seen any acceptances posted yet? If they have a waitlist, they must know who they're accepting, right? Not that I've checked obsessively or anything, but decisions seemed to be tightly clustered last year, and they're spreading them out more this round.
  11. I haven't heard anything either way yet, and I'm on pins and needles! My husband was accepted to their MFA Studio Art program a month or more ago, and we're just waiting to see if I have a spot in the English dept.
  12. Congratulations to those who have been admitted. My status hasn't changed, and I have to admit my frustration with this limbo they've put the rest of us in, as many applicants have already been both rejected and accepted. Hopefully they'll send the rest of the official notifications soon.
  13. Looks like they've historically sent acceptances via postal service, so nothing good will come via email.
  14. Now there's another...nothin in my mailbox...
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