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Everything posted by jellyfish89

  1. Congrats! I received the email from Ms.Faulkner yesterday's moring and get the same assistantship with you, however, I was not informed the exact amouts of the funding. Ms.Faulkner told me in the email that they are taking the spring break, and the formal admission will be mailed out next Friday, that's too late. I want to make my decision as soon as possible. Since I don't know the money I am granted, I cannot compare UMD with JHU's MPP program which offers me $21k per year scholarship...A really twisted choice.
  2. I was informed the acceptance by American U on Jan.21 and received the application package one week next. It said on the admission letter that students who receive merit based awards will be notified by the end of February/early March. Is there anyone could tell me the advantages and disadvantages of AU compared with other MPP programs?
  3. I only received a very brief email on Jan.6 from Graduate_Admissions@brown.edu informing me that We are reviewing applications and will notify you via email once a decision has been rendered and responses to offers of admission must be received by April 15 before 10:00 a.m. EST. The information on Taubman center website is totally a mess.
  4. I also applied the Taubman Center, and have no any news right now. It only said in one feedback email that the responses to offers of admission must be received by April 15.
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