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romeo jones

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  • Location
    austin, tx
  • Program
    English Lit

romeo jones's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. These ... CUNY PITT Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) UT Austin USC and considering these too ... Brandeis Claremont UC Riverside University of Chicago ... and I'm still poking around for other programs. For me, the main factor is location; got to find a place that works for my girlfriend. Interests: film/lit intersectionality (other media / pop culture too), the 20th century American novel, comedy
  2. Yeah, I'm wondering if adcoms realize how inapplicable the writing score is to judging a candidate. Ugh.
  3. My verbal score was fine, but I got a 3 on the analytic writing! That's 11th percentile. And I thought I aced it. Anyone else with an analytic writing disaster? Also, any thoughts on whether or not such a crap score will affect my chances? Thanks. I am going to send in $55 to have my writing score reviewed, and that may result in a higher score. Fingers crossed. I really don't want to take the test again just to get a better writing score. That would be the worst.
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