I'm finishing up an undergrad in Computer Science from a small private university (not top tier) and will probably be finishing with a 3.1 GPA. My goal is to apply to MA in International Studies/International Development programs focusing on IT development. I have 5 years of full time work experience in international relations, on top of spending 4 months teaching IT in a developing country last year. My GRE score wasn't the best, but not too bad either - 1200.
I'm fairly confident in my professional experience but I'm worried about my GPA getting in the way, on top of which I have 7 Ws and 1 F (retaken for a C+) . The Ws can be explained due to medical issues, but I'm wondering how much this is going to impact my admissions. Is it worth applying to the "reach" schools (Stanford, Georgetown) with those on my transcripts?
Any advice is appreciated.