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    EECS - Computer Arch

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  1. Patience pays!!! Last year some of the accepts came right on the last day!! So there is hope
  2. That sounds a little ridiculous. Maybe it was an administrative error. You should talk to the admissions office!!!
  3. Thanks tigerontheprowl ... btw I like your good ole hindi quote
  4. Actually the second best option came my way today. Got a masters only accept. I am glad as I didnt have any substantial undergrad research and have been in the Industry for 2 years. So this is my YAY!!!
  5. So I spoke to someone at Stanford today and they told me that the only people who have been contacted are those that have been contacted by the Professors directly. Majority of accepts have still not been sent. I dont know how much truth is there to that, but kinda helped the iota of hope I stupidly seem to have. So hang in there!
  6. Thanks for the motivational message and Congrats on MIT. It would be sooo much better if some of these schools sent out accepts and rejects at the same time(like Berkeley). Yoga doesnt help this kind of nerve wrecking.. Maybe I should become a hermit and go to the himalayas and not access Gradcafe. That may actually help
  7. I think so far only the fellowship candidates might have heard. However, I cant be completely sure. I am keeping my fingers crossed too!!!
  8. Any more Stanford acceptances except for the 4 on the results board? I think the CS applicants are a lot more active on these than the EE applicants!!! Still keeping my fingers crossed for Stanford!!
  9. Congrats to the two who heard from Stanford! Could you share your area of specialization and stats?
  10. They sent outboth accepts and rejects .. So if you haven't gotten either then there might still be a chance. Although I can't be completely sure
  11. Well you shouldnt worry about that too much. Umich can be very late with the responses. After speaking with the admissions director, I believe that they are always in a rush to notify people being invited to the Open houses. The process of sending accepts goes on till March. Stanford is a very department based admissions. I know that they have an admissions committee of Students and Professors. So your research professor may not even get to see the application till students are admitted. I spoke to someone yesterday and she said that EE was in the tail end of the admissions process. So it should be anytime this week or next week. Obviously that makes the anticipation worse. Not expecting much from CMU and Berkeley though.
  12. I have been posting of the CS forums. Here are the results: Waiting: Stanford, CMU, Berkeley Accepted: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Georgia Tech Rejections: None yet .. expecting it from Bkly and CMU though Anyone heard from Stanford?
  13. Spoke to Stanford EE Director of Admissions(met her during my visit). Decisions should be out in the next two weeks!! Ghosh!! This one is really really important for me :?:
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