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Posts posted by designr

  1. It means you were accepted! Congrats!!!

    Anyone got accepted to SMFA Boston???

    I heard nothing back for so long.. and then suddenly I got a very short email today saying Congratulations on your acceptance...

    And I just realized last Tuesday I got a call from their Admissions office but I didn't answer it because I thought it's one of those telemarketers who are pursuing me because I requested info on an online MFA program.. bleh..

    This is SOOO weird.. I'm suspicious.. I know SMFA did interviews in March.. been assuming rejection all this time, now all of a sudden they said I'm accepted!!! What does this mean???

  2. Oh no, thank you for your input.

    I mean, I want the opportunity to teach... not necessarily traditional print design.

    I think they are great programs as well. CCA is another one I got into that is still in the running. But I am definitely 90% sure about going to Parsons. But you know how it is.. so hard to be sure sometimes.

    Yeah, Astoria is nice, I have friends that commute from there as well. Hm, to me if your goal is teaching, I wonder if you'd have more chance to TA at RIT. But more importantly, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Parson DT methodology more focused on self-authored artistic discipline - using technology, as in most people want to pursue careers in new media art/industry and less design firms/advertising? I can still see how from what you described in your practice where you'd want to push the boundaries in medium and interactivity within design would still be an unique asset to pursue in DT, but I would imagine the climate of the program would be focusing on very different questions than maybe what you mentioned as what you'd like to teach in the future - "traditional print design".

    Please hear me, I'm not making a judgement call, I think they are both great programs, I'm just basing my opinion on what you mentioned as your future aspirations. GL!

  3. Thanks Shaubu.. yes, looks like I accidentally mixed them up. Yes, Manhattan is awesome.. but crazy expensive to live.. I was definitely thinking to live 15-20 mins away somewhere more affordable, maybe Astoria or something.

    I'm basically a classic print designer, with am emphasis on new materials and the interactivity of the final piece. I really like to design pieces that you can touch & feel and play and interact with. I like to introduce non-traditional items/pieces/materials to design. Which is why I really liked the idea of Parsons.. because it sounds like it's right up my ally.. except for the fact they they use technology. I think it's a similar concept of what I enjoy doing, but with technology.

    I really wanted to get my MFA to have more options.. I currently teach as an adjunct professor at a local university and I love it.. so I would like to teach, but I also enjoy working and producing in the field. So I think Parsons would give me both of those angles, plus connections.

    BUT on the other hand. I love traditional print design and would love to be able to teach full time at a university.. and, if that's all I want, then I could easily go to RIT and be happy.

    IF it didn't have anything to do with $$, I would say Parsons hands down. But I'm not sure what to do... they definitely seem to really like me and I really want to ask them for $$, but not sure how to go about it. =/

    designr, didn't you mix up the location of these programs? Anyhow, yeah manhattan is expensive!! It's also perfectly legit (and cool) to live in brooklyn ;) But otherwise, it seems to be two pretty different programs, in terms of where it might lead you and the type of discourse, I think that'll ultimately help you decide. Feel free to share what niche/industry i.e design firm or new media artist you'd like to see yourself and maybe that'll help yourself and others reach a decision.

  4. CONGRATS!!! What a hard decision to make!!

    Got news yesterday by email. MICA, accepted!


    MFA GD

    RISD - Interviewed - Accepted

    MICA - Interviewed - Accepted

    CALARTS - Interviewed - Accepted

    SVA - Interviewed - Accepted

    Yale - Rejected

  5. What do you guys think about asking a school for money? Or to re-consider offering you some $$?

    I mean... what if there is scholarship money that was awarded to a student that declines that school.. who does that go to?

  6. Anyone have any thoughts.. good of bad about RIT vs Parsons. I can't decide, I am so torn!

    RIT is appx 60K for the entire program. (including living) It's only 4 quarters long.. which is like 1.5 years. Program; Graphic Design

    NYC, NY

    Parasons is appx 120k for the entire program. (including living). It's two years long. Program; Design and Technology.

    Rochester, NY

  7. LoL!! Well at least I have options =D

    I finalllllly heard back from most of my schools.

    Rejected from RISD

    Accepted to RIT with small scholarship

    Waitlisted at VCU.. =/

    Cranbrook.... still waiting, they said they did send out some rejections (2D).. and contacted some of the accepted people.. but there is a pool of grey area people that they are deciding between... I'm in the grey. =/


    You really should have applied to less schools! hahaha.

  8. Awesome! I bet it feels good to finally make a decision!

    I'm going to visit CCA and Parsons next weekend and make my decision, after that.

    I still have 4 schools to hear from.. but I can only wait so long.

    Final Tally for MFA Graphic Design / Visual Communication.

    VCU - Accepted w/o aid.

    SCAD - Accepted w/ 10k scholarship

    OU (norman) - Accepted w/ 3k scholarship

    FHSU - Accepted with funding pending

    MICA - Rejected.

    I'll be attending VCU. Best of luck to everyone who is still making decisions or waiting to hear back!

  9. I am assuming it's April 15.. but I don't think that's right because someone on a wait list may not be notified until after April 15, when they know if there are extra spots or not. Also some schools have offered me an extension to the April 15 deadline to decide.. so yeah maybe there isn't any specific date?

    Hey guys. Does anyone know whether there is a particular date that the schools are supposed to let applicants know their decisions by?

  10. Just had a chance to talk to Parsons today. Convo went really well.

    I like the program even more now! NYC is crazy exciting but also so intimidating. So far they are top of my list... but a few more schools to hear back from.

    Thanks again for your input!

    I'll be visiting Parsons around April 7, if you would like I can give you a report back.

    Well I don't think you have to worry very much, they have a bootcamp program in August which is complusory for all new DTMFA students to attend and I'm pretty sure they'll cover all the technical knowledge. I have a bit more familiarity with that kind of programming since the last exhibition I did used physical computing.... but honestly I don't think it'll make much of a difference. They're looking for ideas and concept, not so much technique since they can teach you that. Technical grounding is like a bonus for them.

    Maybe if you're really worried you can read up (and try?) some of the tools that you are likely to use. The main ones would probably be Processing ( http://processing.org/ ) and Arduino ( http://www.arduino.cc/ ) they are commonly used together. Other programs are like Simulink and Labview. Otherwise most standard adobe programs (fireworks, after effects, photoshop etc.) will probably be used as well.

    I can understand how that feels..... I never thought I'll get into one school, much less *all* the schools I applied to so now I'm kinda stuck with making a decision. Normally I would just pick the school that is cheaper, but most of my offers are exactly the same (merit scholarship + chance of assistantship) and since I'm not eligible for more financial aid or visiting the university I'm at a loss to decide between the schools.

    It sounds weird, but I'm honestly not keen on living in NYC. My only reason for applying to USofA is because of faculty and research groups.

  11. They said they don't interview everyone.. and if you're dying to know if you're in or not, to give them a call on Monday. ::sigh::

    no, but i didn't have an interview with them so i'm assuming i'm rejected...unless they don't interview everyone?

  12. Congrats!! What school are you leaning towards?

    Just got accepted into RIT!!

    With Merit-based scholarship!! - snailmail


    SMFA - accepted via e-mail (merit-based scholarship)

    MassArt- accepted snailmail/phone call

    ICP- accepted (waiting for funding info)

    SVA - accepted (GSAL student)

    RIT - accepted (merit-based scholarship)

    RISD- wait list

    PARSONS- wait list

    YALE- rejected

    COLUMBIA- waiting

    NYU- interview last week (waiting)

  13. Thanks for your reply! It's definitely helpful! I have a skype call set up with them today, so I hope to get some more information as well.

    The dean of admissions wrote a nice handwritten note on my letter as well! I felt so special =D

    My biggest concern with Parsons is that I've never done anything like this, nor have I ever thought on this big of a scale, so it's definitely intimidating. I've always been an "out of the box" designer, using new and interesting tools.. which is why I am assuming I got accepted. But beyond the CS suite, I don't know any other programs and I'm worried I may struggle in this kind of program, since I feel like I would be a fish out of water. Though it all sounds interesting, but it's a bit intimidating.

    Intimidating, yet exciting at the possibilities. I'm really concerned that, because i've never done anything like this or thought of anything like this, that I may be bad at it. Make sense?

    I honestly never thought I would get in, so I never really did a whole lot of research. Figured if I got in, it would miraculous. =D

    And I love NYC, and have always wanted to live there.

    And actually, I'll be able to visit Parsons before the April 15 deadline..

  14. Good point! It is an investment... Which is why I am leaning towards Parsons. If I'm going to go into insane amount of debt, I might as well do it in the heart of NYC and design central. =D

    Couldn't agree more with you, it's great to get accepted but schools are way too expensive! I suppose we better see this as an investment... A very expensive investment...

  15. Same here. Though it is driving me insane that I'm not getting funding from anyone. It's so awesome to be accepted, but the cost is outrageous! =D

    Same here, got an acceptance letter on Saturday. No funding and I was told by admissions that if I didn't get any merit scholarship info there, then I didn't get any. Need-based money is available through the Financial Aid Office as far as I know... Congrats on your acceptance!

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