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Everything posted by SLPhopeful12

  1. Hi,

    I understand. I am really excited about attending UNC. Thanks for letting me know! Best of luck wherever you decide to go. = )

  2. Has anyone decided to go to UNC-Chapel Hill in the Fall? So excited! = )
  3. Hi, I am definitely going to UNC! I am so excited about it.
  4. Hi! I will be attending UNC next year for SLP. Have you decided if you are going to go to UNC yet or not? = )

  5. Hi, I don't mean to jump in but this is UNC's first year using this new website. It used to be "studentcentral" and now it's "connectcarolina". I am an undergrad at UNC and it's been a difficult transition for UNC to make with this new system. I have had trouble with registration, grades getting posted, etc with this new website. It's not the speech-language pathology admission's fault. It's the troubleshooting and transition to this new website.
  6. I figured this was the case, I thought it would have been weird for it to have been posted on a random part of their website without people knowing via email, postal service, or telephone. I will keep waiting then...
  7. Same with UNC, I am ready to know! Especially after seeing that post on the results section. I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything different. I kept getting the error message as well. Wishing you all the best of luck!
  8. Someone posted this on the results section as an acceptance via website: "Checked my.unc.edu on a whim before before bed. Clicked "my to-do-list" and there was a new message for the status "click here." Official letter is on its way. Is this for real?" for my program. I checked the website and it said the same thing as it always has. "Thanks for submitting your application. Your decision is not yet available.". I went to the section on the UNC website that this person mentioned and clicked the "to-do list" area but it said I wasn't "authorized to view" the link. What could this mean? No one else that I know has heard anything either so I am just wondering what to make of this.
  9. I applied to the following: UNC East Carolina University Western Carolina University Appalachian State University UNCG GWU I have a 3.3 cumulative GPA (I started out as pre-pharm), 3.7 Major GPA ( SPHS pre-reqs). I am an undergrad at UNC Chapel Hill. 4 semesters of research and working on a senior honors thesis in speech and hearing sciences. I am SOOO ready to hear something from some of these schools. Good luck to all of you applying this year!
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