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Posts posted by Veta

  1. I think you should take the funded PhD offer (because paying for grad school sucks) and if you, for some reason, don't end up liking the university, you could always transfer next year (for most programs...I'm sorry I don't know if your program works the same way). It doesn't hurt to put in a new application next year even if you're not sure you'd want to transfer... smile.gif

  2. Whereas before I was obsessed with getting A's, I'm starting to not care even though I'm heading towards a low mark, one low enough that it doesn't exist anywhere else on my transcript.

    Tell me about it. In order to look better on my applications, I decided to complete a math minor in my last semester (mistake!!). I know that once I accept my offer, it's just going to get worse too. I just take solace in the fact that undergraduate GPA doesn't mean much once you're already in grad school.

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