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Posts posted by meganleigh20

  1. I just called and we will get no decisions this week. Admissions representative said we hope to have them out by the end of next week.;)

    Are you serious? How are people expected to make decisions about other schools? This is really a long wait.

  2. I'm still waiting as well. I really hope we find out this week and it doesn't end up rolling over to next week. It looks like for some other departments they have started to say decisions will be released by April 1, and I'm not really up for waiting another week.

    Did you apply to the AEGIS program or on-campus Adult Learning & Leadership EdD?

  3. I spoke with admissions yesterday. They said AEGIS and Adult Learning and Leadership are behind schedule and she doesn't expect to post results until the end of next week. I am so over waiting...

  4. Still waiting to hear... I know they still have until the 15th, but I didn't think they would wait until the absolute last day! Also, it seems they are now saying that they hope to release results in mid to late March. I hope this doesn't mean that I'll have to wait even longer because I feel like I've used up all my tricks to manage to wait this long :)

  5. Congratulations! I applied for my EdD in Adult Learning & Leadership and I'm still waiting to here. I'm hoping a decision will come before the deadline. Did anyone else apply in the Department of Organization and Leadership? Have you heard anything yet?

    Best wishes everyone.

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