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Everything posted by curehp

  1. Hello, I know this is a broad question, but I just wanted to get some ideas from people. When you do a lab rotation, how many hours per week on average do you spend in the lab?
  2. Hello, I know this is a broad question, but I just wanted to get some ideas from people. When you do a lab rotation, how much time per week do you spend in the lab on average?
  3. Hello, I was notified of acceptance this week through email and they said I will recieve the official letter soon, but since I'm nearby they would like to meet me and get to know me. What should I expect for this type of visit? They asked me which faculty members I would like to meet. Anyone have any suggestions or tips?
  4. thanks for all the info, it looks very good. The director of graduate studies emailed me and welcomed me to the program and asked me to schedule a visit.
  5. thank you for the replies everyone, I feel more certain now. I should get the official letter next week.
  6. Hello, I recieved an email today stating that the department recommended me for acceptance to the graduate school of arts and sciences, and also recommended me for full funding, and I will receive a letter pending approval from the GSAS. I may be a bit paranoid here after all the long waiting, but does this mean I am in for sure or does it ever happen that the GSAS does not approve recommendations from the dept?
  7. Is it bad to look too desperate when you talk to them?
  8. I've been waitlisted at my top chioce, and I was wondering, in general, how long do schools keep you on the wait list? How does the process work?
  9. thanks, that helps me relax a little while I wait, I was getting far too nervous!
  10. Well, maybe that's a good sign for you. When I called them I didn't even ask the results, they asked me if I wanted to know over the phone.
  11. thanks for the info
  12. Yes, I called them yesterday and they said they have finalized decisions and are sending them out and they let me know over the phone that I got rejected.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Does that generally mean that they offered all of the available spots to the top applicants and they are waiting to see which of those decline the offers before admitting more people or is it that they still have spots open for the second round and just need to decide who to accept from the second group?
  14. I was told today that the first round of applications had gone out and that my application was "put on hold" untill they get to the second round. Does anyone know what that means? The woman I spoke with asked me if I was still interested in which I replied definately, so she said she would put a note on my application to indicate that I am still interested. Is this good or bad?
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