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Everything posted by Owlrus

  1. Owlrus

    Cincinnati, OH

    Another parking option for really bad weather days or days where you don't feel well and don't walk to walk is to park in Deaconess Hospital Parking garage. It's on Straight Street, just off Clifton Ave, and UC students/faculty can park on the top two floors for $5 a day. If you are driving/parking every day, the parking passes are cheaper (University Garage is $150/quarter) but if you are just planning on parking every now and then, Deaconess is the way to go. They accept quarters, singles, five dollar bills, and visa/mastercard. When the machines aren't working, parking can even be free.
  2. I am 95% sure I am headed to BU in the fall for the MTS.
  3. I missed a phone call from them yesterday and couldn't call back until after hours. I'm MTS though, not Ph.D Today my phone is on the loudest setting and not leaving my side. Good luck to everyone still waiting!
  4. Rejected from Notre Dame's MTS. Not very disappointed. Too busy salivating over the BTI... I've been accepted to Boston College, still waiting on BU. Has anyone heard any MTS results from BU? And to those who were rejected from Harvard/Yale, or didn't receive enough funding to sustain themselves or their families... I'm sorry you're hurting. I hope you find peace, or that somehow things work out. I don't blame you at all for your frustrations. If only one of us could win an amazing lottery and help everyone get the funding they need. Best of luck, guys.
  5. I used the Belief-O-Matic option, with interesting results. 1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 2. Orthodox Quaker (96%) 3. Liberal Quakers (86%) 4. Unitarian Universalism (83%) 5. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (82%) 6. Eastern Orthodox (77%) 7. Roman Catholic (77%) 8. Baha'i Faith (76%) 9. Seventh Day Adventist (76%) 10. Hinduism (72%) 11. Mahayana Buddhism (71%) 12. Theravada Buddhism (69%) If I were assessing myself I'd probably just say, "Christian with no known ties to a particular church, a deep admiration for Roman Catholicism, and a general love of Ubuntu philosophy." But usually I don't assess myself. I'm still figuring out what I believe, to be honest.
  6. Hey, I am finishing my undergrad at UC. I can't answer anything about the reputation of the urban study masters program, or the comparison to Arizona, but I can answer some things about life in Cincinnati/near campus. Clifton (the neighborhood around campus) can be dangerous. Students receive emails about once a week alerting us of robberies, attacks, or rapes. That said, there are also a lot of ways to stay safe and the university continues to take action to help students. Most of it is common sense-- don't go walking alone at night, lock your doors, don't leave laptops visible in your car. There's actually a service of volunteers who can walk you to and from buildings within three miles of campus if you feel at all nervous. I've never had any problems with safety on or near campus, but I do know one person who was mugged. He was walking alone at 2:30 in the morning. There are tons of apartments and houses for rent within walking distance of campus, but if you choose to live further away, Cincinnati does have a bus system called Metro (don't let that confuse you into thinking it's a subway system... we don't have one). Students get a discount or free rides on Metro, which is really nice. Metro buses can take you all over Clifton, downtown Cincinnati, and to Newport, Kentucky (which has blossomed into a nice shopping, dining, and entertainment center). UC also offers free shuttling around Clifton. If you like music, Cincinnati/Clifton are definitely growing in their music scene. There's a Clifton Music Festival every six months or so, when all the bars in Clifton host local bands, and street musicians play outside to keep pedestrians entertained. There is always something fun going on in Clifton, but you really do have to take extra precautionary measures because it can be a rough neighborhood. UC's campus is actually really nice. It's a strange mix of modern and traditional architecture with lots of green space landscaped into campus (I have a favorite tree I sit under when studying), and there are fast-food places, Starbucks, a bar, and a movie theatre right on campus. (All of those are also off-campus, within two blocks). We do have a rec center that is free to students, with about a million work out machines, indoor track, basketball courts, yoga classes, Kendo, and a rock climbing wall. I hope that helped a bit on the "life at UC" part of your question. Sorry I can't chime in more on the Urban Studies questions.
  7. Got accepted to Boston College's MTS program today by (overnighted not-so-snail) mail. Hurray! Any other MTS-ers still waiting on BU and Notre Dame?
  8. Congrats on BU! Did you find out by phone, email, or post? I'm curious as to whether MTS decisions will be out soon then as well.
  9. Opus is Emory's web site for applicants and students, it offers a to-do list for admissions and financial aid. Decision letters are uploaded to Opus before anything official is delivered through the post service.
  10. Ooh congratulations on Vandy! Emory's funding comes later... though my tax returns are still on their way, so maybe if you have all your financial stuff in already you will get notice of funding earlier? Not sure.
  11. My OPUS changed from "Your admissions decision is not available at this time" at 9 am today to "Congratulations on your acceptance!" at 9:30. Not that I checked obsessively or anything.
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