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  • Location
    United States
  • Program
    Computer Science Phd

lotrsimp12345's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I have finished my bachelors recently and was wondering how I would go about getting research experience? Thanks
  2. Does anyone know which the website where you check status is down? Thanks,
  3. From my research it seems like if you do something else to increase your application then it is a good idea.
  4. Is it a good idea to reapply to schools the following year if you didn't get into school you wanted to get into?
  5. I have given up on the two schools which haven't said anything. At the end of this month if I haven't heard anything back I am going to ask to withdraw my application. Also never going to apply to those schools again. I have wasted enough time and money that I no longer care.
  6. I am addict too... Guess I should get of these forums and find better use of my time. But the anticipation is killer...
  7. any suggestions as to what I do?
  8. I contacted the schools and have got no response. One said they were still sending out admissions decisions.
  9. Some schools haven't contacted me. Does that mean I am on a wait list?
  10. So I guess i didn't get into either of these schools since they haven't responded by now.....
  11. so the mentor at NASA wants me to submit a proposal. I haven't official got the fellowship yet. I have been accepted to a university unofficially and don't know who my mentor is. Should I contact them to find out? I need a mentor to finish writing the proposal. Should I email other universities as well who haven't said anything about whether i am denied or accepted? If I get into the ones which haven't said anything I will probably go there.
  12. yea i have a job offer... but job is not really that interesting. pays really well though. Want to go into research, get turned down everytime, company tells me my credentials are good except need a phd...
  13. Bradley University/Colorado State University
  14. so NASA keeps extending its deadline for people to apply. So who knows if I will even get in or if I will even get in.. Also, the naval one got its funding approved... so i will do that one unless I get the fellowship... both are in my interest.
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