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Posts posted by JMEnviroAnth

  1. I don't know the answer to your question, but based on the large number of people on this website who were offered the MA but are not accepting the offer, I think they probably offer it to quite a lot of people. Since it isn't funded, probably only a small percentage of people actually do it. I talked to some profs at other programs to which I was accepted, and they all said it would be "tempting" to accept the Columbia MA, even without funding, because of the amazing resources, reputation, and (at least reputation for) rigor. Plus, you would be in NYC, a place where connections and resources abound for almost any field of study. It all depends on what you make of it, not on numbers!

    Hello! So I have been accepted in to the MA at Columbia (originally applied for the PhD) and am now weighing my current options. I had one quick question: does anyone know how many "consolation prize" MAs are handed out by Columbia each year? I know that my drive to get my PhD and a career in this field will carry me through just fine, and the above comments are very helpful in regards to what I can expect if I go to Columbia next year. However, if there are some 50 students pursuing their MA in anthro, obviously it makes the job of standing out and getting the attention of professors who in general do not care about MA students even more difficult. Of course, I don't think there are actually 50 students doing this, but you get my point.

    Judging by responses on these boards more than a handful of students were rejected to the PhD but accepted to the MA. I am just wondering if anyone has an idea of on average how many students will be in the same boat as myself if I choose to accept the offer. Being 1 out of 5 verses 1 out of 25 brings a completely different atmosphere to the table.

  2. Thank you! I decided to accept the offer of admission to the PhD program at UGA. I'm excited to get started. If anyone else will be going to UGA, please let me know!

    One of my profs, a well respected anthropologist, did her MA at UGA before going on to do a PhD elsewhere. If you like enviro anthro they are REALLY great, and everyone in the field knows that (i think) - If it was me, I would even consider doing an MA there over Columbia if you are interested in Enviro stuff (there is little going on in enviro at Columbia - this is my area of interest and thee is really one (maybe 2 ) anthros doing that kind of work at Columbia.


  3. It's interesting that you mention UGA. My main interest is Environmental Anthropology, and I was accepted into the PhD program at UGA and the MA at UNM. I was also accepted into the MA at Columbia, but not into PhDs at the top-tier schools to which I applied. My interests very closely match those of the professors at UGA, but I am concerned about the rigor of the programs at UGA and UNM, as well as hireability and respect in the academic community after I earn a PhD. But I can in no way afford an unfunded MA at Columbia and living in NYC to boot. Does anyone have helpful advice for someone in my position? I'm having a very difficult time making a decision (and I don't intend to wait another year). Thanks!

    Christine Fair.

    In terms of MAPSS scholarship, they do give out a lot of scholarships in the range of 1/3, 2/3...but I know of three people who got full rides, one of whom got into berkeley (diff department) while applying when they were in their MAPSS year. As another poster mentioned, a big part is showing success at the graduate level. Caveat: some schools are seen as more rigorous than others which is why the 1 open job in XYZ school will likely go to the guy with the phd from Irvine rather than the one from UGA. Fair? Nope. Reality? Sadly.

  4. I don't know, I think it's cool that I got into the MA program at Columbia. I'm not going to go, but given that I don't even have any official background in anthropology, I feel good about even a 'consolation' acceptance. I am sure they received hundreds of applications and had a difficult time deciding.

  5. My understanding is that they don't offer funding for the MA.

    I remember hearing that those accepted and wait-listed at Columbia have already received notice.

    I guess we still have a chance at the MA program. Last year the MA/rejected results came out around the end of March.

  6. I also haven't heard anything from Columbia, but I don't expect to be accepted.

    Is everyone else still waiting to hear from Columbia and Michigan Anthro/History? I know both announced really, really late last year. My online status form for Columbia was finally showing that they received all my application materials today. Did they really just get them all together? I have to imagine there was just a lag in putting that stuff up online.

    I have another offer, so it wouldn't break my heart if these were both rejections, but it'd be nice to know already. Anyone else hear anything about these two?

  7. Hey, for anyone still waiting on University of Arizona, I think they are gradually updating the Graduate College application status. I just checked and was rejected, which stinks, but it certainly makes my decision a lot easier!

  8. For whatever it's worth, I'd have to agree that fit and funding are more important than a big name. If someone reads your application and says, "Oh my god, this sounds so interesting, I'd love to work with this person," that seems a lot stronger than them saying, "Welll, this person is quite accomplished and has high scores. Perhaps one day we will see eye to eye." I think the first person gets admitted, the second does not, especially when there are a lot of people to choose from. It's pretty hard to fake a fit if you're being more or less intellectually honest.

    Forget tiers, rankings, etc. It's all about fit, fit, fit, fit.

  9. On 2/28/2011 at 8:39 AM, UNCAnthro said:

    Has anyone heard anything from the Anthropology Departments at Rutgers or University of Arizona? I've already accepted a UNC-Chapel Hill offer, but I'm still a bit curious.

    I have not heard from Arizona yet. The only two I've heard from are U of Georgia and U of New Mexico.

    Hey, just to bring up a topic other than whether or not we got into schools, is there anyone else here who is going into environmental/ecological anthropology (sociocultural)? I was wondering how people view different programs, such as U of Arizona, U of Georgia, U of New Mexico, Stanford, WashU, etc., for that area of study. I've been very interested in BARA at UA for the U.S. Southwest.

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