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Posts posted by NeuroFox

  1. Wow, this has been incredibly encouraging- thank you all so much for your input! I have just seen so many posts on here about how anything less than a 700-720 quantitative score on the GRE wouldn't be competitive, so I've been a little nervous, to say the least. This does make me feel a lot better, and while I'm definitely still going to have some safety schools, I'm much less nervous about sending off $75 or $80 to a top-25 school :)

    Also, GardeningGrad- I have sent out some emails to my top-25 picks, and hopefully they'll give me some more insight on their preferences concerning post-baccalaureate work experience. Thanks for the idea!

    I'm heading to UCLA in the fall. My GRE Quant. was the same as yours (680) and my Verbal was much lower (570). I had research assistant experience, but no publications. I think that is what will make you stand out [coming from undergrad, which I am doing as well].

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