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Everything posted by paleostraussian

  1. They're good, but considering the number of spots available in political theory in universities today, I'm getting the impression that I'm going to need to get them closer to perfect.
  2. I'm in the same boat. Sucks. Only applied to three schools, and this one's my number one choice - so I won't know if I'm going to grad school or not until after I find out if they filled all their spots on April 15th. As for backups, I'll probably try to work in DC next year and build my resume. The idea of taking the GRE again makes me feel utterly dreadful. So yeah, all my empathy to you other #2ers. I hope we all make it. It's been a tough cycle!
  3. The Political Philosophy folks I know mostly applied to a pretty small number of schools, including but not limited to: University of Dallas, Toronto, University of Texas at Austin, Claremont, Notre Dame, Baylor, and Boston College. I only applied to schools from this pool, but I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of. Good luck!
  4. Rejected at Notre Dame. Well, a year off isn't the end of the world...
  5. Anyone claiming the Notre Dame acceptance up on the results board? Gosh, ND is really trickling out their acceptances and rejections. Awful.
  6. Leon Kass over Allan Bloom, Athenian Stranger? Perhaps I should have shot an application to Toronto. Maybe next year.
  7. No idea. It probably does depend on the subfield, and the different committees for each field. It does mean you have a better shot than those of us still waiting - you'll get a spot if they can find one to give you, whereas we still may get rejected.
  8. Yeah, I called and got the same "information" on Monday.
  9. I don't completely understand the process, but ND, like some other schools, seems to stagger the acceptance process into at least two rounds of acceptances and rejections. So I guess you and I and others who haven't heard yet still have a shot, even if we weren't in the first round. At least we haven't been rejected yet!
  10. You're the one who applied to Claremont!
  11. Took a class with Culp in undergrad - not my cup of tea. I respect West as a teacher, but can't say I agree with him. Leo Paul de Alvarez was my mentor, so I'm a bit of a fan. Still waiting to hear back from Baylor and Notre Dame, I understand they've sent out their first round so I'm hoping for good luck in the second.
  12. Has anyone here heard from Baylor? All signs indicate they're done with their first round, so I wanted to see if anyone was planning on accepting or turning down that offer.
  13. I would highly recommend Baylor and the University of Dallas. I understand they've admitted a number of Johnnies in the past couple years and that they really like it there. Good to know that such an excellent old program may be experiencing a comeback. They have a couple of really fantastic professors, and a terrific curriculum. Baylor's a great up and coming program, run by the great Mary Nichols.
  14. He had. But he was rejected early - I would contact them as soon as possible in order to try to get into a Master's program.
  15. I had a friend who realized the same thing two or three weeks ago, and he contacted a program he had been rejected from and asked to be considered for their Masters program. Looks like he might get it. I think it's probably worth a shot.
  16. I've been wondering about Notre Dame as well - haven't heard back for Political Theory, and I was wondering if anyone else has.
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