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Posts posted by Nia_nia11

  1. Hi all-

    I am trying to decide which Master of Social Work program to attend in the fall and am a nervous mess as a result of my indecisiveness.

    I have narrowed it down to three schools: UNC-Chapel Hill, Columbia, and NYU. I have visited all of the schools and found positives and negatives about all of them--

    -Columbia: technically the best ranked program I am considering and has good name recognition, but it is the most expensive of the three.

    -NYU: ranks significantly lower than Columbia and costs only a little less, but I really liked the school and its location when I visited.

    -UNC: ranks just a little below Columbia and is significantly cheaper than the other two (but still quite expensive as I am out-of-state.)

    My main concern is the cost of the programs. I am going to owe a large sum by the end of my MSW anyway and I can't decide if it's just worth it to spend the extra on Columbia or NYU. I also feel like I might prefer to live in a busier and more diverse place like New York, but I can't decide if it's worth the extra money.

    I have to decide by tomorrow so any and all advice is appreciated!! Thanks!

    Just curious... which school did you end up choosing?

  2. Was accepted to NYU and Maryland! NYU is really my top choice but they offered $8,000 in financial aid, which would make the tuition 26,000 for the first year. Maryland is 20,000 a year but I haven't heard back about an award yet.

    Anyone who's decided on NYU found a way to negotiate their financial aid package, or just settled on taking out the loans?

    Still waiting to hear from Boston U.

  3. Was rejected by SFSU via snail mail. At least they were nice about it. I guess it's a good thing because they weren't my top choice but I would have been able to go there for free, and probably would not have been able to turn down a free education had I been accepted. Oh well. Still waiting to hear from NYU, BU, and Maryland. Really on pins and needles here...

  4. I got an e-mail from SFSU today telling me to view my financial aid offer. I got a significant financial aid award, but no acceptance letter. I want to be excited but I've heard of people, from this exact forum, getting a financial aid package but then getting a rejection letter shortly afterwards... Anyone else in the same boat?

  5. Hello. I'm a long time reader who finally decided to join. I've applied to 4 schools for MSW Fall '11:

    NYU, Boston U, University of Maryland, and SFSU. I haven't heard back from any of them but I"m not surprised as I applied shortly before the deadline for each of them. I have seen people mention NYU, SFSU, and Boston U but has anyone applied to Maryland? Or know of someone who has?

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