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  1. Ditto on the still waiting (anxiously). I've heard nothing since being notified that I'm on the waitlist.
  2. I got the first infamous x email and my status is still "pending decision." I did not get an email today though. I have no idea what any of this means. I don't know whether to hope or not...or if I even remember how to anymore.
  3. Same email and same pending status here. Despite the extended waiting period and the tease of an email, I am rather amused by the email address from which it was sent: X@umd.edu! Amazing!
  4. Got my rejection today It was a form email that was different from all others I've received in that it was actually bordering on offensive! I don't think that was the intent, but the tone of it and possible insinuations were very strange. Odd. Genuine congrats to everyone else though!
  5. To those of you with acceptances: Have you found anything out about funding? If so, when? Also, when was this in relation to the standard email from the dept of grad studies about your acceptance? I talked with (a very nice) someone today who said that we should be contacted through email about funding and if we haven't heard then we're probably on a waitlist for it. (Of course, we get the relief from terrible waiting in the form of an accpetance and then it starts all over again!) I just got my email from the grad studies dept hours ago, so, since I finally have a little bit of hope and optimism again, I don't really want to have to throw it out the window just yet along with funding. So, what emails have you all received? And congrats to everyone!
  6. Acceptances here too! Hooray! Has anyone heard about funding? I found out through WAM and haven't been contacted yet, so I'm curious how they work it. Thanks and congrats to everyone else!
  7. ninna: The green bar is only on the GAMES website. It's one of those silly "we should be making this website look like it's actually doing something" chart/technique things. There's nothing whatsoever like this on WAM, the other website to check your application status-which, for me, has also not yet changed. I wish this whole process just went a little more smoothly and and clearly. I have a feeling it would be easier on all parties, not just us.
  8. So, I have a question for you guys. I checked the GAMES website today and my application is (finally) reviewed with the bright green bar denoting that under it. I haven't gotten an email from them or anything, but under that green status bar it says: Application Status: Recommendation for admission sent to Graduate Studies Could this maybe, possibly be what I am hoping it does? In the mean time, I'm going to return to holding my breath for obscene amounts of time...
  9. Make that 5 straight rejections :cry:
  10. Are you alive? Have you fallen off the face of the planet? To everyone else: have you heard ANYTHING about U of MD (PhD)? I know they have responded late in the past, but my anxiousness and curiosity have gotten the better of me. So have my first 4 straight rejections
  11. Spritely: Yes. And with both of us hopefully in higher spirits!
  12. I checked my status on GAMES today and it shows that I have submitted basically nothing. As you can probably guess, in somewhat of a frenzy I emailed the secretary of the grad dept asking about this. Apparently, if you mailed any part of your application in it will not show up at all here and your application is complete and on time if you have not heard otherwise. Also, she said that ALL responses will be sent out Monday. This still doesn't clear up what sending them out means, but at least we all know everything's going out that day. Again, good luck to you all.
  13. I can't wait to hear from CM also. This sounds very familiar. As far as where they are on my list, I would have to say (it's kind of difficult) that of the schools I actually stand even the slightest chance of getting into (as opposed to, for example, U of Chicago) that CM is probably my #1. Like I said, I REALLY can't wait to hear from them, especially with striking out so far. 6 to go and fingers still crossed!
  14. Knowing this seems to help. I'm not really sure why since none of our futures are any more known yet, but it does. What I mean to say is, thanks for posting and good luck. :wink:
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