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Everything posted by troncherito

  1. I don´t think there is a problem if you defer at hks and then apply to hbs. I have friends that defered one year at more than one school in order to apply to other programs they found more attractive. Most schools will ask you to put down an other deposit if you want to defer. You have to be willing to lose that money. But other than that there should be no consequences. Also, I think that when you apply to hbs they ask you if are a student at hks or are applying. Don´t lie about that. But i wouldn´t tell people at hks that you are defering only to try to pursue an other program. You would probably be denied your deferal.
  2. I don´t think that it´s that big of an issue. I think you can go back without any mayor consequence (other than losing your deposit). Still i would talk to the people at hbs to make sure.
  3. I was also waitlisted for the mpa id.. i have no idea about the numbers... but i´m not to optimistic...
  4. No, i got waitlisted and my MYFAID says the same thing.. sorry.
  5. got waitlisted... anyone know any stas of the waitlist?
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