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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Naw, I'm in at the state school which has a wonderful MPA program and I can sub-specialize in IR.
  2. Well, got my rejection letter in the mail today....oh well.
  3. Your life did not go down the drain! There is a positive to every negative. It gives you time to recuperate from this strenuous process. A lot of schools take Spring applicants. Try some of your state schools who have just as good programs. Everything happens for a reason. You will get in somewhere, just don't give up. Keep us posted on where you get in
  4. @ Mal83: So basically this last batch is rejects? I still haven't received anything in the mail. Doesn't matter anyways because it looks like I'm getting into Texas State's MPA program. I'm happy you got in somewhere!!! Congrats!!!! What program did you apply to at George Mason?
  5. I still have not been notified of my rejection. This sucks.
  6. I haven't gotten anything from American either, I just take it that I didn't get in. I think you have a chance. I feel if I would have gotten in, I would know by now because all of my stuff was in at the beginning of Dec.
  7. Well, I haven't heard from American but did hear from Texas State University's MPA program where I get to take classes from the 3 sub-specialties (IR, Social Policy, and Legal and Judicial Admin). It's a lot cheaper and I'm getting my foot in the door. Later on in life, I can re-apply to those other schools. Sometimes, I think things work out for the best. Good luck everyone! Don't give up!
  8. @Foucaultrocks: Yes, this is what they explained to me also. The woman also told me I was in the 2nd batch and that I should hear something in 1 to 2 weeks. I'm with you about not knowing how to feel about this. I also asked did it correspond to decisions and she said no. For some reason, I feel it does.
  9. @ Mal83: I think my Cumulative GPA and my GREs hurt me. My major GPA and the GPA on my last 60 hours is astounding. BUT I used to be a cell biology major and chemistry minor and it killed me. I explained all of that in my SOP, which I feel are very strong. I also believe I had strong LOR. As an economics minor, I have a strong econ background with mostly As in those classes and one B. I'm the treasurer of my school's chapter of the International Economics Honors Society, fluent in Spanish, and I have one study abroad experience. I believe my downfall is low GRE, low cumulative GPA, and little relevant work experience (though I've been working since I was 16). If I don't make it this round, I'm just going to try and find a job in my field and apply again for next year.
  10. @ Mal83: I'm sure you are right. My application was done at the beginning of December because I wanted my school to hold my transcript because of the classes I took last semester. I still am not confident in the answer from American because all of my other letters have been rejections. I think I may need to work for a year and then apply again. I have heard of people being rejected by everywhere but getting into American...hopefully that's me, but I'm preparing myself for the worst.
  11. Just called and the woman put me on hold to look up my information and said that I should be getting a letter in the mail in a week to two weeks because I was in the 2nd batch. Apparently they mail out in 3 batches. I assume mines is a rejection because when I asked her would I get the letter before the April 15th deadline she hesitated and said yes, though she said that the batches do not correspond to acceptance/rejection. Does anyone know if they also send rejections out through the mail?
  12. @ PoliticallyAff: OMG, me too! It's one rejection after another and SIS is my last chance. I'm just expecting a rejection from them also.
  13. Oh thanks you @s33 and ringo2009 for such an uplifting posts Yea, my GREs weren't strong either: 480V/520Q/4.0 . With my GPA, it really was the Cell Biology that killed me. My devastating grades were when I took classes like Physics, Organic Chemistry and Microbiology in the same semester for like 3 semesters. Then I realized natural science was not for me.
  14. Hi guys. I am currently a Political Science major/Economics minor at a prestigious Texas private university. I applied to 4 grad schools for IR (specialization in development) and so far,my first letter back has been a rejection (Seton Hall's Whitehead). I am soooo devastated and feel like my life is over and that the other schools will do the same. I'm older (28) and so I feel like I do not have time on my side. Here's some of my stats: Cumulative GPA: 2.8 (Major GPA is A LOT higher-3.7 because I switched majors. Used to be a Cell Biology major and it killed my GPA.) Foreign Language: Spanish-Intermediate (Born and raised in Texas and so I picked up Spanish from school and being surrounded by my best friends family) Other: I will be doing a study abroad trip this semester to Canada to study Monetary policy, I'm the treasurer of my school's chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon (international economics honors society) I applied to the LBJ School, GW Elliott School, and American's SIS. I don't understand why they rejected me. They didn't even ask for a resume AND they only took 3 weeks to send me a rejection notice. What are the chances of the other schools rejecting me?
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