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Everything posted by Brokenmoped

  1. Haha, this describes my application perfectly. GRE is a scam!
  2. MA program...I ended up getting funding and accepted the offer. My sub-fields are Ecocriticism/Social Ecology/20th C. American lit.
  3. Today I received an email from Mary Chapman with an offer of acceptance! So excited! Unfortunately no guaranteed funding as "our TA budget will depend on a few factors that should be sorted out in the next month or so" (she "hopes" to offer $10,900 per year). I have by Friday to accept another offer with full funding, so it looks like I have some tough decisions ahead of me.
  4. Have any MA applicants heard anything yet?
  5. One more thing for the ecocrit people: get to know Tim Morton and Mike Ziser! They're both extremely intelligent, helpful, and wonderful professors! Oh, and read Morton's most recent books, Ecology Without Nature (2007) and The Ecological Thought (coming out in April).
  6. I'm at UCD right now for undergrad, and I'll say that callmelilyb's description is perfectly accurate. Check out the Davis wiki (http://daviswiki.org/) for all things Davis!
  7. No problem! If you have any questions about Davis, let me know. One more thing, you said you're "swooning" over Stanford? Besides Ursula Heise, who else is doing research in ecocriticism over there?
  8. I'm at Davis right now for undergrad and there are at least three or four people here who are really into ecocriticism. From the english website: W. Jack Hicks, Ph.D. (University of North Carolina): literature of California; literature of nature & wilderness; creative writing. Timothy Morton, D. Phil. (Oxford): literature & the environment; Romanticism; literatures & cultures of food & diet; literary & cultural theory. Michael Ziser, Ph.D. (Harvard): American literature; literature & the environment; ecocriticism. I haven't taken any classes taught by Morton or Hicks (though I've heard really good things for both), but Professor Ziser is extremely friendly, intelligent and helpful. Lawrence Buell (practically the founder of ecocriticism) was his dissertation chair at Harvard. Also, ASLE has a comprehensive list of programs that are good for lit and the environment: http://www.asle.org/site/publications/graduate-handbook/programs/
  9. Thanks for the help!
  10. Where can I register for standby testing?
  11. So, is registration closed for this or what? Yes, I know it's on Saturday...
  12. I found the following while googling: http://community.livejournal.com/wgi_lo ... 10017.html Here's a list from the link above that I haven't yet verfied: Villanova University University of Florida University of Maine University of Alabama University of Wyoming University of Idaho University of Kansas Wake Forest University of Utah James Madison University University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Georgia University of Kentucky Louisiana State University University of Missouri University of Nebraska University of Tennessee Arizona State University University of New Mexico Kent State University Bowling Green State University Minnesota State University American University
  13. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the funded (either through fellowships or TA stipends) MA programs? Or does anyone know where I can find this out? If not, we could use this thread to compile information on which programs do offer funding and to what extent. Also, feel free to list programs that you know offer some kind of funding. By the way, the subject is English.
  14. First off, congrats on your acceptance to UW! To answer your question, "pretty certain" is 99.9% certain (I guess I should've left out "pretty"). Everything you've mentioned above I've heard from grad student friends (including a few who went straight from undergrad into PhD programs) and professors, but this is something I've thought about for a long while now, and I'm definitely going to apply. Also, my rooomate is a PhD student in Cultural Studies, and I've seen just how difficult grad life can be. I've heard the same thing about taking some time off between undergrad and grad school, and I've put some thought into that as well. I'd rather just get on with it as soon as possible, though an MA isn't out of the question either. Yeah, I realize my interests aren't very focused right now (although I'm leaning towards 20th century Am. lit.). But I was under the impression that applicants were supposed to start contacting students and professors at prospective schools a year in advance before applying, at least that's what the DGS at my school told me. The problem is, I have no idea what schools I should be looking at or contacting... Another question, what constitutes "strong faculty"? Awards? Books? Fame?
  15. I know most of you are unbelievably anxious to hear your decisions, but I figured you might want to kill some time by answering my dumb questions. Also, most of you have finished the application process awhile ago and I could use some advice! I'm a junior at a UC school, and I'm pretty certain that I want to pursue a PhD in English--the thing is, I don't know where I should apply. My interests include 20th Century American Lit, Satire, Encyclopedic Novels, Marxism, Romanticism, Environmental Lit, and to a lesser extent Science Fiction. My GPA is not bad at 3.6 (this is only my 2nd quarter at this school since transferring in the fall, so there is still room for improvement) and I think I have a few profs lined up for letters already, I just don't know what schools I should be looking at. I know it's probably hard to gauge what schools would make a good fit for me based on this alone, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Oh, and good luck in your decisions!
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